I'm still digesting yesterday's class and experiencing some confusion. I understand that we are looking at peoples Pluto Mars phases on their natal chart not as transits but I'm also confused about this. I understand that Pluto moves very slowly, but Mars does not, don't the phases change over the course of a lifetime? And doesn't that indicate transits?
So if my P/M phase is at 65 degrees won't that change over the course of my life?
Thank you.
Hi Louise,
In the Natal chart, the phase between Pluto and Mars does not change over a liftetime.
When your Soul makes intentional choices that lead you forward, it is possible to feel your Pluto/Mars phase become fully actualized, and you may even experience further reaches of peronal evolution but the phase itself stays the same within a given life.
Since we are not static beings, we illustrated a Progressed Chart example overlapped to a Natal Pluto/Mars phase to show how key intentions and dynamics evolve within a given life, and the necessay experiences that the Soul is calling in order to grow.
I hope this makes sense. If not, please let me know.
Thank you so much Kristin, I appreciate you taking the time and yes that does make sense! I haven't quite gotten to progressions yet in my studies! 🤓