There is nothing about a tri-sceptile between pluto and mars from an archetypal point of view that correlates it to suffering. If any given Soul is reacting to this in that way then this is rooted in an inner choice that they are making for whatever the reasons or causative factors may be. In such a situation it is then necessary to help that person objectify what those reasons are, and to take responsibility for this inner reaction, so that in this objective awareness other choices can be made that will help the Soul evolve through this aspect.
Oh! I think I misread my notes on Gibbous and then found the definition in the EA glossary which talks about humiliation in the Gibbous phase (which to me implies suffering). In the glossary it says “now we reach a balance point in the full phase at least potentially”. Do they mean the triseptile is the point of balance, or the full phase?
To me, it sounds like there’s an objective view of what balance could be, not necessarily is.
Side note: I noticed that the class notes don’t contain the triseptile.
The Gibbous phase is a necessary evolutionary archetype that reflects the need in all Souls to understand that they are not the center of the universe. This need then creates the circumstances necessary that allows for an essential inner adjustment within itself that requires them to understand the the needs and realities of other humans, of humans in total, that are equal to their own.
Thus, the Soul in all humans in this phase designs the circumstances necessary for this to be realized. Such circumstances, that the Soul is responsible for creating, correlate to a necessary humiliation to itself for this to be realized.
I am attaching here to words of JWG himself relative to what he taught and wrote about the Gibbous Phase, and the aspects with them, so we can see the evolutionary progression through the Gibbous Phase including the tri=septile that you have asked about.
I am also attaching what he wrote and taught about in Full Phase so that how the evolutionary dynamic of balance is understood and realized by all Souls.
God Bless, Rad
The Gibbous Phase
The Gibbous phase reflects another evolutionary transition wherein the Soul now intends to humble itself in order to begin the process of social integration of the original evolutionary intention reflected at the New phase conjunction. The Soul is preparing to integrate into social reality as an equal among other people. Until now, the Soul has inflated itself through an egocentric self development of the original purpose. The inflated balloon of the ego must now be popped.
Within the Gibbous phase, there are five aspects that correlate to specific phases of development, as follows:
135ー Sesquiquadrate: This represents a continuation of the process begun while this aspect occurred in the First Quarter phase. The challenge of this aspect can continue to produce negative results, because the individual may refuse to adapt and adjust his or her newly won and realized intent. If so, then the individual is thrown back on the past and experiences confusion as to how to establish the personal reality and purpose within the external environment until the necessary adjustments are made.
144ー Biquintile: If the sesquiquadrate aspect was experienced negatively, this aspect will serve to realign the individual with the original evolutionary purpose by relating it to the individualizing process that took place at the quintile aspect. An analysis must now take place as to how to link the evolutionary purpose to the needs of others and the environment. This analysis must be done so that the new purpose can serve the needs of the whole. It is through service that the individual gives a deeper meaning to the nature of his or her evolutionary purpose.
150ー Inconjunct: This aspect brings either clarification or confusion regarding the individuals self-concept as it is identified in the original evolutionary intent. The individual is aware that there is something special to do in relation to the evolutionary intent, yet does not know how to link this purpose through service to the whole, or to others.
This aspect produces some form of crisis in order to induce analysis of what needs to be adjusted within the ego in order to establish the Soul’s reality or purpose within the framework of the social environment. Humility must replace self-inflated or willful expression.
154ー Triseptile: This aspect promotes clarification of the individuals self-concept and evolutionary purpose as it relates to the needs of others, the environment, or the whole. The necessary self-analysis that promoted a purging of self-inflated delusions of grandeur during the inconjunct aspect now evolves into an essential humility that allows the individual to prepare to integrate his or her purpose within the context of the social environment.
180ー Opposition: When this aspect occurs within the Gibbous phase, it correlates to a state of preparation for the evolutionary intents manifestation within the Full phase the need to integrate into social reality as an equal. Accordingly, the ego experiences the full force of other peoples will, desires, and reality in such a way as to enforce awareness that the drives of others are just as strong as its own.
This awareness occurs through the experience of being opposed by the beliefs, values, attitudes, and needs of other people. This opposition can create anger and fear within the ego, creating a temptation to oppose that which is opposing itself. This reaction takes the form of cyclically withdrawing altogether from social interaction, and willful assertion of the ego within social interaction. Such attacks and retreats will continue to manifest until the soul is able to integrate into the social sphere as an equal.
The Full Phase
This phase can be quite problematic, because the Soul is equally divided between the opposing forces of wanting to be completely free and independent, and the need to actualize or fulfill itself through relationships of all kinds. This inner opposition typically creates cycles in which the individual fluctuates between the extremes of complete social immersion, and cycles of complete social withdrawal. In either case, the nature of the extremes produces its own problems. On the one hand, complete social immersion leads to a cumulative state in which the individual feels overwhelmed by the impact of so many people who represent all kinds of values and lifestyles. This has the effect of making the individual feel that they have lost their own essence, so to speak.
This then sets in motion the next extreme, in which the individual tries to totally isolate from this overwhelming impact. This creates an equally unbalanced situation in which the individual implodes inwardly. Isolated from the perspectives of social contact and context, the individual loses all perspective about him or herself. Feeling over isolated and confused, the individual now rushes back into social immersion. Back and forth, back and forth. The key, of course, is to learn how to balance these two competing desires.
This will lead to the actualization of the real purpose of this archetype, which is the progressive socialization of consciousness. In this context, the individuals learn what the social system needs from them, and how to socially integrate their individual purpose. To learn balance is to learn how to pay attention to their instinctual nature. When the instinct occurs to withdraw from social interaction, then the challenge is to simply honor this. When the instinct occurs to become socially involved, then the challenge is to simply honor this. In this way, balance is achieved.
Within the Full phase, there are five aspects that correlate to specific phases of development, as follows:
180ー Opposition: At this evolutionary bridge and juncture, the individual meaning given to the original evolutionary intent must now be given social meaning. It must be related to and shared with others. This aspect produces the necessity to give the original evolutionary purpose a socialized context or framework to operate through so that the individual can continue the ongoing evolutionary development initiated at the New phase conjunction. In order to do so, the individual must enter into social relationships revealing that he or she is an equal among others. The individual must learn to listen to others through relationships in order to evaluate his or her own individuality, and must learn how to relate or apply the evolutionary purpose in a way that is needed by others. Nevertheless, the opposition often produces a potential confrontation of will and clashing desires, because the individual may feel that their personal power or sense of personal identity is being absorbed and lost through the necessity to interact with others. They may have a sense of losing control of their personal destiny, and the power to shape that destiny from a strictly egocentric point of view.
The individual may choose to resist the necessity of developing an expanded social awareness, and of being pulled out of self-oriented narcissistic world, by attempting to dominate others through strength of will to shove their personal purpose down the throats of others in order to feel powerful and secure. Until the person succeeds in linking his or her individual purpose to a social need, and becomes an equal social being, he or she will remain at this evolutionary gate. The force of the opposition is contained in the ideas, values, beliefs, and needs of others as contrasted with the individuals own needs, ideas, beliefs, etc. The opposing force is also reflected in the dual desires of the Soul, which translates into personal will confronting higher will in this context. The desire to return to the Source manifests as the need to move onward, and the desire to maintain separateness manifests itself as the need to remain where one already is for security reasons.
206ー Triseptile: The original purpose and individual meaning was given social meaning at the opposition. Now it is ready to cooperate with a social or collective need in a realized state.
210ー Inconjunct: The new social evolutionary purpose or intent serves to clarify the individual concept or awareness of personal and social limitations if what he or she can and cannot do, and of what is required of the individual by others in order that the social purpose may be expressed. If these limits are transgressed, then intense emotional confrontations will occur in order to reinforce this lesson in awareness. The waxing inconjunct induced personal humility. The waning inconjunct will induce social humility and purification.
216ー Biquintile: The socialized evolutionary purpose is now further refined through the individuals awareness of his or her special capacities, abilities, or capabilities as contrasted or evaluated against the capabilities, abilities, or capacities of others.
235ー Sesquiquadrate: When this aspect occurs within the Full phase, it is preparatory to entering the archetypal intent of the Disseminating phase. Accordingly, the egocentric consciousness of the Soul is forced again to expand itself to now understand the nature of the existing social customs, rules, regulations, laws, and traditions that define the current society that the Soul is born into. This is necessary in order to integrate the socialized evolutionary intention that has preceded this aspect. For example, an individual who had Pluto aspected to Mercury in this way could feel that the role of a psychologist would be the best form and structure through which to integrate their individualized evolutionary purpose in a social way. This aspect would then create the awareness of what society dictated in order to be an authorized psychologist: going to school, securing credentials, etc.
Wow thank you so much for all of this. I’m so touched you wrote in such detail. I’m currently rewriting all of it in my notebook which may take a while, but I just wanted to write a quick thank you before I digest it all.
Hi Dominika
There is nothing about a tri-sceptile between pluto and mars from an archetypal point of view that correlates it to suffering. If any given Soul is reacting to this in that way then this is rooted in an inner choice that they are making for whatever the reasons or causative factors may be. In such a situation it is then necessary to help that person objectify what those reasons are, and to take responsibility for this inner reaction, so that in this objective awareness other choices can be made that will help the Soul evolve through this aspect.
God Bless, Rad
Wow thank you so much for all of this. I’m so touched you wrote in such detail. I’m currently rewriting all of it in my notebook which may take a while, but I just wanted to write a quick thank you before I digest it all.