Hi Rad, Helena and all,
I have been thinking about this transit quite a bit and we are indeed living in very interesting times. Whilst looking at this chart myself I saw that the NN of Chiron Rx is at 3 degrees Scorpio conjunct the SN of the Moon and therefore also squaring Pluto in Aquarius and I feel this is pointing us on a collective level to purge ourselves from our past, where we have seen our power taken away from us because we believed we had no other choice. The resolution node here is the SN of the Moon in Scorpio, so again pointing us back to look at our Soul journey and desires and to take our power back.
With the NN of the Moon in Taurus, the way forward is to simplify and ultimately see that this earthly journey is a way back to Source. Saturn in Pisces will also be conjunct the asteroid Lucifer, the bearer of light, and we can either choose to see our oneness or become disillusioned with life. Everything is but a choice. With transiting Mars in Gemini quintile the transiting Chiron and Jupiter in Aries in a crescent phase, I see this transit as a calling for all of us to go within and figure out our core truth, who we really are and what we are here to achieve. What is our Soul purpose, individually and collectively?
The Nodes of the Moon are also at a stationary point at the time Pluto goes into Aquarius, and we know in EA that anything at a stationary point is a magnifying force and the timing of this is not a coincidence! Like you said Rad, "the root of this chart, Pluto in Aquarius, demands making those involutionary/evolutionary choices for the whole of humanity"; we all need to remember and see the bigger picture of life, where sharing/caring/inclusion is our natural way of being.
Love and light to you all,