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In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Rav Chahal
Dec 14, 2024
Hi Dominikas, We all wish Rad well at this time. He is an invaluable part of EA and the School, his knowledge and expertise is beyond amazing and he is very missed. We all share the same vision, which is to help and guide people through the lens of EA, so we will continue to guide and support as best as we can. I believe the power in EA is that it aligns to natural law and the natural way of how the journey of life is meant to experienced; through the lens of the Soul. Personally, I feel it's this emphasis that brings people to this paradigm of astrology, especially when it comes to answer the question 'why'. From the day I came across EA, to the present moment, it continues to guide and teach me in so many ways and I am continuously a student of this work. Evolution is the name of this game of life! :) As you said, EA is very deep and it has the ability to really open up deeper forms of perception of oneself and others, so take your time in synthesizing this material. A key point in EA is that to understand any particular dynamic, we have to observe and correlate and one size does not fit all. The Pluto in Scorpio generation in a generalised sense are metamorphosing their sense of personal limitations and seeking to empower themselves. A key desire is to purge themselves from anything that has limited their evolution. As they enter and move through the square to transiting Pluto in Aquarius, a goal will be to liberate from old ways that have kept them stuck/limited on their evolutionary journey. We will always be affected by what is happening around us, both in a macro and micro sense and remember where our natal Pluto sits in our chart has both a collective as well as a personal meaning. We need to play the role of an astrological detective to understand how it has played out in ours/others lives and the potential of where it is heading. I see the Pluto in Aquarius transit as trying to liberate us from conditioned ways that have kept us separated from our core essence as a collective human race. The choice point for all of us will be whether we choose to allow liberation or we choose to stay stuck in old ways out of the fear of change, which can lead to trauma/fragmentation. We all need to play our part in moving towards liberation. You may be interested in reading a couple articles (if you haven't already) on the School of Evolutionary Astrology's website on both the Pluto in Libra and Pluto in Scorpio generations which explains more about these two placements. Love and light, Rav
A message from Rad
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Help & Advice on EA Study
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
EA & The Inner-Child
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Current transits
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Rav Chahal
May 02, 2023
Hi Jordyn, Helena and all, Thank you for both your insights on the upcoming Lunar Eclipse, I have spent time absorbing both your comments and there is healing magic in your words, alchemy is probably the right word here! This eclipse really is about going in DEEP (the SN of the Moon in Scorpio) WITHIN (NN of the Moon in Taurus) and as you said Jordyn de-conditioning and liberating (Pluto in Aquarius) ourselves from old traumas and blocks that have restricted our connection to Source. I am personally finding that if we don't consciously make the decision to do this, events around us will force us to look within as our power is taken away. BUT where we do have the power is in deciding HOW we will respond to the events taking place. That's the choice making we all have; we can choose to CO-OPERATE OR RESIST looking at the evolutionary lessons taking place in our lives. Helena - I love how you said "maybe we don't have to figure it all out for now"...this is just what I needed to hear! The slowing down and truly going within to listen to our needs is what I feel is key with this Lunar Eclipse. I wanted to also share an example of someone who appears to be fated to this particular Lunar Eclipse and that is King Charles III. I was interested in seeing his natal chart against the transits of the Coronation on Saturday May 6th 2023, and saw that his natal SN of the Moon is at 4 degrees Scorpio stationary and it's exactly conjunct the transiting SN of the Moon. Not only is he having his nodal return but he will be crowned The King of the United Kingdom on Saturday, a day after the actual Lunar Eclipse! You really can't make this up! In EA, whatever house and sign the transiting nodes are moving through show us the "apparent issue" linked to the natal Nodal axis and the "actual" issues can be seen through observing where the rulers of the transiting Nodes are located in the natal birth chart. King Charles III has his natal Pluto (ruler of the transiting SN of the Moon) in the 1st house Leo and his natal Venus (ruler of the transiting NN of the Moon) located in the 4th house Libra in a crescent phase sextile with his natal Pluto. This aspect shows us that he has reached a point in his evolutionary journey where he is integrating all that has come before and he has now reached a point in his life where his sense of special destiny (Pluto in the 1st house Leo and his natal Sun in the 5th house Scorpio) has come about at the age of 75. I will be interested in seeing what type of King he ends up becoming. Love & light to you all, Rav
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In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Rav Chahal
Mar 17, 2023
Hi Rad, Helena and all, I have been thinking about this transit quite a bit and we are indeed living in very interesting times. Whilst looking at this chart myself I saw that the NN of Chiron Rx is at 3 degrees Scorpio conjunct the SN of the Moon and therefore also squaring Pluto in Aquarius and I feel this is pointing us on a collective level to purge ourselves from our past, where we have seen our power taken away from us because we believed we had no other choice. The resolution node here is the SN of the Moon in Scorpio, so again pointing us back to look at our Soul journey and desires and to take our power back. With the NN of the Moon in Taurus, the way forward is to simplify and ultimately see that this earthly journey is a way back to Source. Saturn in Pisces will also be conjunct the asteroid Lucifer, the bearer of light, and we can either choose to see our oneness or become disillusioned with life. Everything is but a choice. With transiting Mars in Gemini quintile the transiting Chiron and Jupiter in Aries in a crescent phase, I see this transit as a calling for all of us to go within and figure out our core truth, who we really are and what we are here to achieve. What is our Soul purpose, individually and collectively? The Nodes of the Moon are also at a stationary point at the time Pluto goes into Aquarius, and we know in EA that anything at a stationary point is a magnifying force and the timing of this is not a coincidence! Like you said Rad, "the root of this chart, Pluto in Aquarius, demands making those involutionary/evolutionary choices for the whole of humanity"; we all need to remember and see the bigger picture of life, where sharing/caring/inclusion is our natural way of being. Love and light to you all, Rav.
Current transits
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Rav Chahal
Dec 29, 2022
Hi Helena and all, This post has been very insightful so thank you for starting and for everyone providing their insights. Such a great way to learn together! :) Helena - I also have my natal Moon at 25 degrees Capricorn, therefore this Pluto and Lucifer transit has been a big one for me too. This all got me thinking about this particular transit and I wanted to share something I read in JWG's book on "Lucifer: The Influence of Evil in the Horoscope" and about Lucifer's transit through Capricorn which I feel may also help others: "The influence of Lucifer in Capricorn within the individual itself is a perpetual feeling of being a crappy person: "I've done something wrong. I'm so guilty. I must suffer." It's that kind of psychology that actually creates circumstances that validate or prove what the person is inwardly feeling. If we look at the opposite sign as the direction for our way out, where would the Bearer of Light come through in this scenario? How could they tune into God through that symbol if Lucifer is in Capricorn? Through the Cancer polarity. What does it become? What's the message" The whole message of Cancer is to strip away all the need for social power and acceptance and to go deep inside to find the meaning that you're seeking. It's to penetrate to the mystery and veil of your own Soul, and to rebuild yourself from the inside out; that's the message. From a spiritual view, in many of those cases, it would mean to orient oneself to some sort of spiritual system that's emphasizing the Divine Mother or femininity, vs. the archetypal Father God." (page 122) As we all find ourselves at this time experiencing this transit, it's important to remember that the Bearer of Light is also present in this archetype and ultimately we are all being called to turn inwards even more and seek the security we desire from within. Sending you all positive vibes and best wishes for the year ahead. Rav
Jupiter and Neptune in pisces - God/dess Guidance
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Pluto Paradigm: Brando's Chart
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Rav Chahal
Nov 08, 2022
Hi Daljeet, Thank you for taking the time to present your ideas on Marlon Brando's natal chart. Isn't it interesting to see how an individual's chart plays out when doing EA detective work! EA is a natural science, and it is through observation and correlation that we can begin to see how a Soul's past/present/potential future has and may play out. You mentioned two pivotal roles he portrayed in his career and (those alongside many others too) were always going to play a part in his Soul's evolution. The ruler of his SN of the Moon is Neptune Rx in the 9th house Leo. Neptune rules films and he had a natural affinity (9th house) for the arts (Leo) and the two movies you mention provide a comparison to his own chart dynamics. Yes, the sports injury he sustained most likely was a fated event in his life to push him towards a different path which I referred to in the class and I would agree with the following statement you made: "with Brando’s Chiron/Aries/5H (sports injury?) broadly squaring his Pluto/Cancer/8H (soul path?), fating him to pursue a different path". With the Pluto/Mars signature you have related this to the movie "The Last Tango in Paris". Marlon Brando wasn't afraid to deal with subjects' others may have been uncomfortable with, and yes that would refer to his Pluto position in the 8th house - dealing with taboo subjects but at the same time this can also be a reflection of betrayal and violations of trust. The actress from the film mentioned in an interview recently of that infamous scene that she felt Marlon Brando was manipulated by the director of the film and that she stayed friends with Brando until his death in 2004. Mars is the lower octave of Pluto and in Brando's chart I feel the Mars/Pluto opposition had more to do with Brando desiring to throw off old ways of relating and stepping into his own power where he could be secure from within (Mars in the 2nd house Capricorn conjunct the Pluto Polarity Point). Mars/Pluto dynamics in EA is about our conscious desires (Mars) interfacing with our deepest unconscious security needs (Pluto). With Brando being in the 3rd stage individuated stage of consciousness, (next month's class will be all about EA Stages which will explain why the natal chart needs to be read according to a Soul's evolutionary state), he was at a point where the world got to see a truly unique and gifted individual and he wasn't afraid to speak his truth (being an avid activist for many causes). I hope this provides some further clarity and information into Brando's chart. Thank you Rav.

Rav Chahal

Evolutionary Astrologer

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