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Skipped Steps: Exact Square vs. Applying/Separating (by Node)
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Sep 21, 2024
Hi Natasha, 1. Yes, there is a significant difference in interpreting the 2 degree Leo Moon position versus the 8 degree Leo Moon position relative to the Moon square to the Nodes The 2 degree Leo Moon is moving into the square, thus waxing (more stress) and the 8 degree Leo Moon is moving out of the square, thus waning. While both Leo Moon degrees are still in a critical square to the Nodes, and those skipped steps must be resolved for evolution to proceed, it is more intense with the 2 degree Leo Moon. This is similar to how it feels right before a Full Moon where the emotions are maxed out similar to a balloon that is ready to pop, versus how it feels right after a Full Moon, we tend to exhale, like air coming out of a balloon, as if we have just come through something. Imagine the relief for the client to know they are moving out of the exact square where they have been resistant to evolve for possibly lifetimes. In the case where a Soul is moving into the square, you emphasize their need to address this in full, and to know that their Soul will call in circumstances that require the Soul to work through these themes. Simple example here with Moon in Leo in the 4th square the Nodes. This Soul will likely feel thrown back on themselves at a young age, possible feel very much alone on the journey, as it is a necessary lifetime for inner self reliance and emotional maturation. In addition, we pick up where we left off, so the family dynamics and members can feel resonant from prior lifetimes. 2. The easiest way to understand this is to remember that the Nodes move clockwise, and the planets move counterclockwise, so since the last Node to cross over the Moon is the North Node in this example, it is separating, so you count the degrees of separation between the North Node and the Moon. 2 degree Leo Moon = 88 degree square ( moving into exact square) 8 degree Leo Moon = 93 degree square ( moving away from exact square) so the Soul has been working on this skipped step longer. 3. You would reference both Nodes in terms of interpretation and in understanding the skipped step ie. what the Soul is resolving and how long relatively speaking the Soul has been working on that dynamic. Of course, there can be cases where the Nodes will be reversed. If it was the South Node in the 2nd house, count the degrees of separation from the South Node to the Moon in Leo skipped step. *** A really simple way to do this as well is to pretend that you are standing on that Moon and facing the center of the wheel. The Node to the left is the one separating, and then count the degrees of separation to find the degree of the skipped step and whether the planet is moving into or out of the square. Hope this helps, Goddess Bless, Kristin P.S. There are loads of posts on the old Message Board on the subject.
Amelia Earhart's plane may have been finally discovered
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Jan 31, 2024
Hi Rad & All, Like most people, this story has left me hanging with the hope that answers would surface at some point, like a bubble rising up from the ocean floor. Something that I had never thought of ( I must have missed this piece) is when shared you this from JWG's Evolutionay Astrology Book. This is a true paradox of Uranus in her Soul’s context: by not being fully prepared to survive by way of short cuts taken for the trip, by not fully understanding how the communication between the various radios worked, and other things along these lines such as navigational issues, she lost her life. Yet, at the same time, losing her life in this way caused her Soul to become ever more ‘famous’. And in that ‘fame’ the very symbol of her life, the champion of equality between the genders, the empowerment of women, became ever stronger as her name continue to live on and inspire so many relative to what her life was meant to be. In essence her Soul desired to actualize it’s fullest abilities and capacities, even before this life, and, in so doing, desired that the recognition and ‘fame’ that would occur BECAUSE OF THIS, could be used by others to inspire them to fully fulfill and actualize their own fullest abilities and capacities as well. Crazy question, but did her Soul know she was going to die, in order to be a champion for women in this way??? Of course the ego did not, with the veil in place, but still...was this planned? Must have been FATE with Moon balsalmic to Pluto as well. That's SO Pisces!! Sacrificing herself for women. Neptune is forming a balsalmic conjunction to Venus in Gemini, Venus rules her Lilith in Libra so that fits like a glove. I love Amelia's Amazone symbols too: Amazone in Sagittarius is EXACTLY conjunct her SN of Mars at 11 degrees of Sagittarius in her 8th house.and they are both RETROGRADE.   Also amazing about her LILITH IN LIBRA in in terms of her push for EQUALITY and the fame that followed, not only while she was alive, but to even greater degrees in her death. The ruler is Venus, which is forming a balsalmic conjunction toe Neptune in the 2nd. She had to lose her life to make the Universal impact necessary to further balance the gender scales. Talk about being willing to die for what you believe in. ( Sag in the 8th)   CHeck this out, her SN amazon is 5 Scorpio conjunct her chiron in the 7th ( equality) and they square her Nodes of course and her Sun/ Mercury in Leo in the 4th (woman) Mercury rules the stellium of Gemini planets in the 2nd. ( survival) Taking it one step further, Amelia's Jupiter/Mars = balsalmic conjunction in Virgo the 5th (the crisis of the crash made her famous) is also forming a T-square with her Moon/Pluto in Gemini and her Amazon and SN Mars in Sagittarius in the 8th. Amelia's NN of Amazon is 8 Gemini and it is also RX, and conjunct her Moon, Pluto, and NN of Uranus.. Holy smokes...this is INCREDIBLE EA! Thank you for posting this Rad! This new discovery has me all fired up again becasue TRANSITING AMAZON IS 11 degrees of SAGITTARIUS TODAY, exactly conjunct Amelia's natal Amazone in the 8th. Stunner... Goddess Bless Her & You! Kristin
Pluto-Mars Phases
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Pluto-Mars Phases
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Pluto-Mars Phases
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Dec 11, 2023
Hi Louise, Yes, this material is rich and deep, and will take time to integrate all of it. So, I encourage all to take their time and to please ask questions along the way. *** We did not teach about the transits of Mars and Pluto in class relative to the natal Pluto and Mars, but it works in this way. Remember when looking at Pluto and Mars phaes through transit, that the natal chart is the anchor. For example: If someone has natal Pluto in Virgo at 15 degrees, and currently transting Mars is at 12 Sagittarius, Mars through transit is forming a cresent square with the natal Pluto. It won't be there long because Mars moves pretty quickly. If you are looking at transiting Pluto moving into forming a crescent square to your natal Mars, then that will be active for a few years, due to the slow motion of Pluto. Mars through transit, and in aspect to Pluto, will always trigger events that are intended to propel you forward. The square can be stressful, uncomfortable, and can induce vulnerability, but Mars moves fast, so it is important to work through the truth of the teachings in this context, and understand why your Soul is calling in the challenge to grow that it has. To follow your truth/intuition (Sag), versus the doubt (Virgo) If Pluto through transit is forming a progressive square to your natal Mars, then you will be in the process of eliminating spearating deisres that do not lead your Soul forward. you will be bumping up against plenty of resistance and potential fear for a much longer period of time, close to 2 years, so as to move beyond what is no longer serving you long-term. We can show examples of this in future classes. But if you drop in your chart, for teaching purposes, I can more directly answer this question. Namaste, Kristin
Undistorted Masculine
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Mar 11, 2023
Hi Helena, Yes, this dynamic does evolve over time, but it is important to remember that while all Amazons are warriors at heart, they are not all pushing these kinds of limits until they die. JWG did say that after the life of Joan of Arc, her Soul was given a 'time out' life in nature to recover. This would be true for any Soul that has had a series of difficult lives, we are all granted a reprieve at one point or another. Everything is driven by desire, so in Amelia and Jessi's case, pushing these limits to their way of LIVING life to the max...even if they had to ultimately die to get that kind of high. Neither one of them knew how to be anything other than who they were, thus living their fingerprint = FREEDOM = priceless! Both Amelia and Jessi had 'blind spots' that did not allow them to see the warning signs, But for both of them, it was mechanical malfunction or environmental influences that ultimately led to their demise. In both cases, these were fated events serving as wake-up calls, ie. catalysts for their evolution. These two Amazon Souls both felt a responsibility to lead by example, similar to plucking a string of an instrument, that would help other Amazons remember who they are, but also to help ALL WOMEN access the courage to blaze on, to be brave and to follow their truth, no matter what. This is what the Amazon archetype inspires in us all. One way to understand how the Amazon archetype evolves is to become a 'Warrior for the Light'. Using an astrology reference, JWG taught that EA astrologers are simply ushers with a flashlight, helping others with the battle going on inside their Soul. This is one example of the Amazon evolving over time. Goddess Bless, Kristin
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Mar 08, 2023
Hi All, I recently watched the documentary about Jessi Combs that Rad posted above and wanted to share some insights to honor her, specifically regarding her Asteroid Amazon. *** LEGENDS Never Die ~ A Warrior Worth Remembering! Jessi found the fast line and she never looked back. It was her instinct to speed ahead and her emotional response to the challenge that became the only radar she needed to say YES! She pushed every limit known to the sport of racing. Once a goal was reached, she was raising the bar to go ever faster, always faster; she had the need for speed. It was also her desire to chase the adventure down roads few have ever traveled, and to experience a world where no apparent limits existed that kept her coming back for more. Jessi had a wildly rebellious spirit, coupled with a breathtaking courage (the Amazon warrior kind of courage), making her appear fearless within all of her high-risk pursuits. But behind her ‘poker-face’, much more was going on than met the eye. With her South Node of Amazon in Scorpio and her natal Asteroid Amazon in Cancer, she intentionally pushed herself far beyond any limit she was comfortable with until she was swimming in a sea of insecurity that comes when taking something to an extreme, not knowing how it will end. This dance with death contributed to an unmatched emotional charge that she wanted to feed any chance she could get, for it is where she felt most at home within her wild warrior nature. Jessi’s Amazon in Cancer reveals how she fed off the flood of emotions that inevitably erupted before, during, and after every top speed chase or record setting venue, knowing that every time she crawled into that jet-powered race car, she risked that day being her last. It was riding the fine line between life and death that made her Soul feel so much alive. She described what would happen when the pedal hit the medal, it was as if she was ‘out of body’, watching herself behind the wheel, the ruler of her Amazon in Cancer is the Moon in Aquarius . For Jessi it was like traveling between worlds, seeing nothing but white light as she took that land rocket with wheels to blistering speeds. Her Amazon in Cancer instinctually showed her that the direct channel to harness her power was through those emotional waters, seen within Cancer’s natural trine to Scorpio, In cardinal fashion, with her Amazone in Cancer, this required absolute vulnerability, which led to an anxious anticipation to take her sport to speeds that no woman (as well as most men) had ever reached. The pure emotion on display following the success of every nail- biting challenge was nothing shy of total elation, while at the same time voicing how she wished she could have shared that ride with others so they could feel what she feels, Mars in Libra balsamic conjunction to Pluto, Amazon in Cancer. She did have a few scares prior to her death that had Jessi questioning whether risking her life was worth it, but once she regained her confidence following a solid run, the pure emotional rushhhh that came with it was all the confirmation that she needed to continue pushing on. If it feels right, do it, Amazon in Cancer. Jessi has been living on the edge for many, many lifetimes, and is a Soul who has experienced multiple sudden pre-mature deaths as a result of not knowing when to 'call it a day', and taking life too fast and too far. Not only does she have South Node of Amazon in Scorpio, Uranus is retrograde in Scorpio and forming an exact square to the nodal axis. Pluto, the ruler of her South Node of Amazon as well as her Uranus rx in Scorpio (skipped step) is balsamic to Mars in Libra, another symbol for taking life to the ultimate extreme. If that wasn’t enough, her natal Saturn in Virgo is squaring Neptune rx in Sagittarius, its ruler Jupiter also in Virgo, representing the crisis' that ensued when tempting fate. This pairing of Pluto and Mars in Libra does reflect an intentional life for her Soul to bring this extreme dynamic to fruition, not only for herself, but to spare loved ones from the grief that has occurred, time after time, as a result of her choices. Ultimately, her Uranus rx in Scorpio squaring the nodes also reflects her own shock to once again find herself (prematurely) on the ‘other side’ . You can almost feel her gasp, “OMG, I have done it again!” “ I am not afraid to die. I am just not ready to die.” These very words point to her Soul’s unconscious memories of repeated early deaths in the past. With Amazon in Cancer, ruled by the Moon in Aquarius, along with a South Node of the Moon in Aquarius squared by its own ruler Uranus rx in Scorpio, further symbolizing the sudden, tragic, departure. But for Jessi, some things are worth dying for, and this was one of them. Jessi’s North Node of Amazon is in Gemini, forming a Grand Trine with her natal Moon and Mars in Libra, also sextiling her Sun in Leo. She is a natural competitor, as all Amazon warriors are, and this very special Amazon in the form of Jessie Combs became the Fastest Woman on Earth. Mission accomplished! Highlights ~ Amazon in Cancer ♋️ 1. I don’t know how to be anything other than who I am. ~ She refused to be broken or conditioned by anyone or anything. Moon in Aquarius, ruler of her Amazon in Cancer. 2. I don’t mind being a woman in a man’s world, as long as I can still be a woman in it. 3. Jessi is a CHAMPION for empowering young girls and women ~ she touches people’s hearts, male and female alike, but it was her mission to inspire the women of this world to ‘go after it’, to get a fair shake, and to do what the boys do, and to do it better. An example of this is when she went to WyoTech and graduated at top of her class of 2300 (all men). With Her Leo Sun and North Node of the Moon in Leo, she truly is a diamond in the rough, and a raw diamond at that, one that was never cut to reflect someone else’s idea of what made the diamond beautiful. This Leo shined right out of the womb. Her larger life purpose beyond challenging herself to chase the next adventure, was to be an inspiring force for young girls and women, teaching them through her own actions to let nothing get in the way of their passions and goals. Pluto/Mars balsamic in Libra, ruler Venus in Gemini forms an exact trine to Mars, which sextiles the North Node in Leo. Notice also the KITE pattern seen with Neptune rx in Sagittarius at the tip of the kite, sextiling Pluto on one side and the South Node on the other, Venus in Gemini sits at the tail, This symbolizes not only Jessi reaching for a final healing as she rises above Earth’s wreckage, but also her Soul‘s wish to empower other young girls and women to follow their dreams. When asked, “What makes you happy?” Jessi responded, “Changing the world.” Uranus in Scorpio, squaring the Nodes, Amazon in Cancer ruler by the Moon in Aquarius. After that fateful day of her death, Jessi’s mom ran across a young girl and her mother when she was in southeastern Oregon near where the fatal crash occurred. The young girl asked Jessi’s mom if she had heard of the female race car driver who had recently died in her successful attempt to set the world record as the fastest woman on Earth. Jessi’s mom said, “Yes, that woman was my daughter.” The young girl’s mother responded, “How blessed you are to know that your daughter is a LEGEND. It is so true what they say, Legends never die! God Speed, Amazon! ~ Kristin
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Mar 08, 2023
Hi All, I recently watched this documentary about Jessi Combs and wanted to share some insights to honor her, specifically regarding her Asteroid Amazon. LEGENDS Never Die~ A Warrior Worth Remembering! Jessi found the fast line and she never looked back. It was her instinct to go fast, and her emotional response to the thrill that became the only radar she needed to say YES! She pushed every limit known to the sport of racing. Once a goal was reached, she was raising the bar to go ever faster, always faster. She had the need for speed. It was also her desire to chase the adventure down roads few have ever traveled, and to experience a world where no apparent limits existed that kept her coming back for more. Jessi had a wildly rebellious spirit that made her appear fearless in the face of all of her high-risk pursuits. This was coupled with a deep vein of courage, the Amazon warrior kind of courage. But with her Asteroid Amazon in Cancer, she intentionally pushed herself far beyond any limit she was comfortable with until she was flooded with a palpable vulnerability that comes when taking something to an extreme, not knowing how it will end. This dance with death contributed to an unmatched emotional charge, one she wanted to feed any chance she could get. Jessi’s Amazon in Cancer reveals how she fed off the flood of emotions that inevitably erupted before each record setting venue, knowing that every time she crawled into that rocket with wheels, she risked that day being her last. It was riding that fine line between life and death that made her Soul feel alive. She described it as watching herself in motion, as if she was moving between worlds, seeing nothing but diffused light as she took that land rocket as fast as it would fly. Her Amazon in Cancer instinctually showed her that the direct channel to harness her power was through the emotional door, Cancer’s natural trine to Scorpio, In cardinal fashion, with her Amazone in Cancer, this required absolute vulnerability which led to a palpable insecurity, to take her sport to speeds that no woman (as well as most men) had ever reached. She did have a few scares prior to her death that had her questioning whether risking her life was worth it, but once she regained her confidence following a solid run, the pure emotional rushhhh that came with it was all the validation she needed to continue pushing on~ Amazon in Cancer. Jessi has been living on the edge for many, many lifetimes, and is a Soul who has experienced multiple sudden pre-mature deaths as a result of taking something too fast and too far, not knowing when to stop, also seen with Saturn in Virgo Squares Neptune Rx in Sagittarius. Not only does she have South Node of Amazon in Scorpio, Uranus is retrograde in Scorpio and squaring the nodal axis. Pluto, the ruler of her South Node of Amazon as well as her Uranus rx in Scorpio (skipped step) is balsamic to Mars in Libra, another symbol for taking life to the ultimate extreme. This paring of Pluto and Mars does reflect an intentional life for her Soul to bring this dynamic to fruition, not only for herself, but for the lives effected because of her choices, and to recover this tragic repeating dynamic that undoubtedly leaves her screaming to herself once her Soul has left her body. “OMG, I have done it again!” “ I am not afraid to die. I am just not ready to die.” These very words point to her Soul’s unconscious memories of repeated early deaths in the past. With Amazon in Cancer, ruled by the Moon in Aquarius, along with a South Node of the Moon in Aquarius squared by its own ruler Uranus rx in Scorpio, further symbolizing the sudden, tragic, departure. But for Jessi, some things are worth dying for, and this was one of them. Jessi’s North Node of Amazon is 8 degrees of Gemini, forming a Grand Trine with her natal Moon and Mars in Libra, also sextiling her Sun in Leo. She is a natural competitor, as all Amazons warriors are, and this very special Amazon became the Fastest Woman on Earth. Highlights ~ Amazon in Cancer 1. I don’t know how to be anything other than who I am. ~ She refused to be broken or conditioned by anyone or anything. Moon in Aquarius, ruler of her Amazon in Cancer. 2. I don’t mind being a woman in a man’s world, as long as I can still be a woman in it. 3. Jessi is a CHAMPION for empowering young girls and women ~ she just touches people’s Souls, male and female alike, but it was her mission for women to ‘go after it’ ,to get a fair shake, and to be able to do what the boys do, and to do it better. An example of this is when she went to WyoTech and at graduated at top of her class of 2300 (all men). With Her Leo Sun and North Node of the Moon in Leo, she truly is a diamond in the rough, and a raw diamond at that, one that was never cut to someone else’s idea of what it should look like. This Leo shined right out of the womb. Her larger life purpose beyond challenging herself to chase the adventure, was to teach young girls and women to fight for what's fair, and to stop at nothing in order to claim their power. Pluto/Mars balsamic in Libra, ruler Venus in Gemini trining the South Node and sextile the North Node in Leo. When asked, “What makes you happy?” Jessi responded, “Changing the world.” Uranus in Scorpio, squaring the Nodes, Amazon in Cancer ruler by a Moon in Aquarius. After that fateful day of her death, Jessi’s mom ran across a young girl and her mother when she was in southeastern Oregon near where the fatal crash occurred. The young girl asked Jessi’s mom if she had heard of the female race car driver that had recently died in an attempt to set the world record as the fastest woman on Earth. Jessi’s mom said, “Yes, that woman was my daughter.” The young girl’s mother responded, “How blessed to be able to know that your daughter is a LEGEND. It is so true what they say, Legends never die! God Speed, ~ Kristin


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