I'm very new to this so please pardon my question. I'm learning about the archetypes. How the house sign and planet are synonymous. But if I look at a chart and see venus or mercury, how do I know if it's Gemini or virgo archetypes, Taurus or libra? Or are they both? They feel very different to me.
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JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers
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Any planet will be in a sign and a house. The archetypes of the house are the foundation of any birth chart. Each house, i.e. the 1st house, 2nd house, etc, has its own inherent archetype. Each planet also has their own inherent archetype. So, for example, if Mecury is in the sign of Taurus, it's own where the archetypes of Taurus and Mercury are then combined, and that Mercury is in whatever house, i.e. the 9th house, then that Mercury in Taurus is combined with the archetypes of the 9th House.
This is done for all the planets and the houses they are in.
God Bless, Rad