Hi All,
For those who have not heard the news that the plane of Amelia Earhart may have been finally discovered. Here is an article about it:
A crew says it found Amelia Earhart’s plane. It could take years to confirm.
By Praveena Somasundaram
January 30, 2024 at 10:27 p.m. EST
Deep Sea Vision, an underwater exploration company, said its founder recently led a crew that may have discovered Amelia Earhart's long-lost Lockheed Electra plane during a 90-day expedition last year. (Deep Sea Vision)
Since Amelia Earhart disappeared more than 85 years ago while attempting to fly around the world, people have been searching for her plane with hopes of solving the mystery behind her final flight.
Now, an underwater exploration company says they may have found it about 15,000 feet below the surface of the Pacific Ocean.
Deep Sea Vision says it captured a sonar image of a plane that matches the dimensions of the Lockheed Electra aircraft Earhart was flying on July 2, 1937.
The company, which announced its findings on Saturday, is the latest to claim a breakthrough in the decades-old mystery. Company founder Tony Romeo, a former U.S. Air Force intelligence officer, said a 16-person crew captured the image late last year during a 90-day expedition in search of Earhart’s aircraft.
“You’d be hard-pressed to convince me it’s not the plane,” Romeo said.
But much work remains to determine whether the finding is actually Earhart’s plane, said Dorothy Cochrane, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum. The process of identifying Deep Sea Vision’s finding and possibly relocating it could take years, Romeo said.
Cochrane added that the museum will probably be involved in reviews of the object.
“It’s hard to say what it is,” she said. “They need to go back.”
The Deep Sea Vision crew will do just that, Romeo said. They have kept the exact location of the sonar image confidential but will return to the site for further research.
The team set sail from the island of Kiribati, about 1,200 miles south of Hawaii, in September. Over the course of three months, they searched more than 5,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean’s floor, using an autonomous underwater vehicle called the HUGIN 6000, which can reach depths of nearly 20,000 feet.
Using sonar sensors, the underwater vehicle spent nearly two days at a time scanning the sea floor, according to a Deep Sea Vision news release. The expedition analyzed the images the vehicle collected from an area the company said was “untouched by known wrecks.”
During the expedition, the vehicle captured the image of an item with “contours that mirror the unique dual tails and scale of [Earhart’s] storied aircraft,” the release said.
If the discovery is validated, it would be a crucial clue in the trailblazing pilot’s disappearance.
The whereabouts of Earhart, her navigator and the plane they’d flown remains “one of the greatest mysteries of our time,” Mindi Love Pendergraft, executive director of the Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum, said in a statement Monday.
“We hope they can be found, and the world has a clearer understanding on what happened that fateful day,” she said.
Earhart embarked on her quest to fly around the world in the summer of 1937 with her navigator, Fred Noonan. They took off from Lae, New Guinea, and headed toward Howland Island, a small island in the Pacific where they would meet the U.S. Coast Guard to refuel.
On Howland, the Coast Guard received strong radio messages from Earhart, signaling that she was probably close by, Cochrane said. But Earhart and Noonan never made it to the refueling stop and were declared dead by U.S. government officials after a months-long search.
Since then, the mystery has captivated generations, spurring scores of theories about what went wrong.
Some say the plane ran out of fuel and Earhart and Noonan drowned in the Pacific before they could reach Howland. Others have theorized that Earhart died a castaway after crash-landing on a remote island. Theories about what happened during Earhart’s last flight continue today.
“I’d like to be able to solve the mystery so that she can then be remembered as the remarkable woman and woman pilot that she was,” Cochrane said.
It was the first mystery that Romeo, who grew up in a family of pilots, set out to solve when he founded Deep Sea Vision in 2022.
Romeo and the crew based their strategy on the “date line theory” that some claim explains Earhart’s disappearance.
The theory holds that while she and Noonan flew across the international date line, Noonan miscalculated, sending them about 60 nautical miles off course. While some say Noonan was too experienced to miscalculate the route, Romeo said it’s possible that fatigue played a role.
“They didn’t make it to the island, so somebody, somewhere made a mistake,” he said. “And that’s a very plausible one.”
Romeo and his crew spent 90 days searching for Earhart’s plane from a 120-foot-long research vessel. As they neared the end of their mission, they thought they’d be returning without any new leads, he said.
Then, in late November, the crew was reviewing some of the data the underwater vehicle’s sonar sensors had collected. An image showed something with contours similar to Earhart’s aircraft — including the Lockheed Electra’s uniquely shaped dual tails.
The idea that the image might have brought them closer to solving Earhart’s disappearance after so many decades is “just absolutely thrilling,” he said.
“It’s something I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little kid,” he said.
But the real answers could still be years away. Romeo said Deep Sea Vision has plans for a future expedition to confirm their findings and capture additional imagery. If it was indeed a plane and the aircraft is still structurally sound, it could also be recovered from the water, he said.
But if it isn’t Earhart’s Lockheed Electra, or a plane at all, Romeo knows what he and his crew will do next.
“We keep searching,” he said.
Here is the picture of what they found:

Please feel free to comment or ask quesiions.
God Bless, Rad
In JWG's book Evolutionary Astrology there is a section on Earhart. This is a part of that section:
In her desire to fly around the world there were various things and procedures that she did not either fully prepare for and/ or undermined relative to the overarching goal to fly around the world. It is this fact that then lead the breakdown in the ‘communication’ between her and naval ships who were there to assist her in locating Howland Island to land upon. And that then lead to her death.Yet, because of her death, her ‘legend’, the icon of Amelia Earhart, grew even larger after her death. This is one of the meanings of her N.Nodes of Mars and Uranus being conjunct her Moon/ Pluto in Gemini in her 2nd House: the name of the ego her Soul created in the life of Amelia Earhart becoming larger after the physical life itself. This is also symbolized by her N.Node of Venus being trine her natal Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio in the 7th, with, again, that Uranus being the ruler of her Lunar North Node in Aquarius in her 10th House.
This is a true paradox of Uranus in her Soul’s context: by not being fully prepared to survive by way of short cuts taken for the trip, by not fully understanding how the communication between the various radios worked, and other things along these lines such as navigational issues, she lost her life. Yet, at the same time, loosing her life in this way caused her Soul to become ever more ‘famous’. And in that ‘fame’ the very symbol of her life, the champion of equality between the genders, the empowerment of women, became ever stronger as her name continue to live on and inspire so many relative to what her life was meant to be. In essence her Soul desired to actualize it’s fullest abilities and capacities, even before this life, and, in so doing, desired that the recognition and ‘fame’ that would occur BECAUSE OF THIS, could be used by others to inspire them to fully fulfill and actualize their own fullest abilities and capacities as well.
The very essence of her Soul’s inner relationship to itself was in fact defined by these desires.It is interesting to see the symbols in her chart for being lost at sea. These very simply are her Chiron in Scorpio squaring her Lunar Axis which are conjunct the S and N Nodes of Neptune in Aquarius. She became lost through a lack of correct planning linked with navigation and direction that is symbolized by her N.Node in Aquarius in the 10th conjunct the S.Node of Neptune. This is then reinforced by the natal Uranus being in Scorpio conjunct Saturn, and these then inconjunct her natal Neptune/Venus conjunction in Gemini. As a result this created a crisis wherein the radio transmission, radio transmissions correlating with Gemini, the 3rd House, Mercury, Aquarius and Uranus, were on the wrong frequency to be heard by the ships below. Within this is this fact: her natal Lucifer in conjunct her natal Mercury which are both conjunct her N.Node of Neptune. The transiting S. Node of Mercury was exactly conjunct her Lunar South Node, and her natal S.Node of Mercury. Additionally, the transiting S.Node of the Moon was exact to the minute of her natal Pluto, and the transiting Lucifer was conjuncting her S.Node of Mercury by two degrees.
And for those who understand geodetic equivalents Howland Island correlates with 4 degrees of Libra. Amelia’s South Node of Mars natally is at 11 Libra, and the transiting S.Node of Mars when her plane went down was at 8 degrees of Libra.

Hi Rad & All,
Like most people, this story has left me hanging with the hope that answers would surface at some point, like a bubble rising up from the ocean floor.
Something that I had never thought of ( I must have missed this piece) is when shared you this from JWG's Evolutionay Astrology Book.
This is a true paradox of Uranus in her Soul’s context: by not being fully prepared to survive by way of short cuts taken for the trip, by not fully understanding how the communication between the various radios worked, and other things along these lines such as navigational issues, she lost her life. Yet, at the same time, losing her life in this way caused her Soul to become ever more ‘famous’. And in that ‘fame’ the very symbol of her life, the champion of equality between the genders, the empowerment of women, became ever stronger as her name continue to live on and inspire so many relative to what her life was meant to be. In essence her Soul desired to actualize it’s fullest abilities and capacities, even before this life, and, in so doing, desired that the recognition and ‘fame’ that would occur BECAUSE OF THIS, could be used by others to inspire them to fully fulfill and actualize their own fullest abilities and capacities as well.
Crazy question, but did her Soul know she was going to die, in order to be a champion for women in this way??? Of course the ego did not, with the veil in place, but still...was this planned? Must have been FATE with Moon balsalmic to Pluto as well.
That's SO Pisces!! Sacrificing herself for women. Neptune is forming a balsalmic conjunction to Venus in Gemini, Venus rules her Lilith in Libra so that fits like a glove.
I love Amelia's Amazone symbols too:
Amazone in Sagittarius is EXACTLY conjunct her SN of Mars at 11 degrees of Sagittarius in her 8th house.and they are both RETROGRADE.
Also amazing about her LILITH IN LIBRA in in terms of her push for EQUALITY and the fame that followed, not only while she was alive, but to even greater degrees in her death. The ruler is Venus, which is forming a balsalmic conjunction toe Neptune in the 2nd. She had to lose her life to make the Universal impact necessary to further balance the gender scales.
Talk about being willing to die for what you believe in. ( Sag in the 8th)
CHeck this out, her SN amazon is 5 Scorpio conjunct her chiron in the 7th ( equality) and they square her Nodes of course and her Sun/ Mercury in Leo in the 4th (woman) Mercury rules the stellium of Gemini planets in the 2nd. ( survival)
Taking it one step further, Amelia's Jupiter/Mars = balsalmic conjunction in Virgo the 5th (the crisis of the crash made her famous) is also forming a T-square with her Moon/Pluto in Gemini and her Amazon and SN Mars in Sagittarius in the 8th.
Amelia's NN of Amazon is 8 Gemini and it is also RX, and conjunct her Moon, Pluto, and NN of Uranus.. Holy smokes...this is INCREDIBLE EA!
Thank you for posting this Rad! This new discovery has me all fired up again becasue TRANSITING AMAZON IS 11 degrees of SAGITTARIUS TODAY, exactly conjunct Amelia's natal Amazone in the 8th.
Goddess Bless Her & You!
Hi Rad and Kristin,
This is so cool Rad, thank you for posting!
Amelia Earhart's soul is such an inspiration, i love an image of her with a twinkle in the eye, i'll re-post it bellow. It's a true image of an independent spirit, amazon soul!
Kristin so true and transiting Lilith is also now at 2 Sag, i take that when the plane was found it just traveled her uranus and voilá!
May Goddess Bless her soul,
Hello Rad, Kristin and everyone,
I have some questions and observations that I would love your feedback on. (I apoligise in advance if these are too elementary, confusing or just completely off.)
Q1: "...her ‘legend’, the icon of Amelia Earhart, grew even larger after her death. This is one of the meanings of her N.Nodes of Mars and Uranus being conjunct her Moon/ Pluto in Gemini in her 2nd House: the name of the ego her Soul created in the life of Amelia Earhart becoming larger after the physical life itself. This is also symbolized by her N.Node of Venus being trine her natal Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio in the 7th, with, again, that Uranus being the ruler of her Lunar North Node in Aquarius in her 10th House."
I understand that the Moon correlates to the ego the Soul has created in the life of Amelia Earhart, however I am finding difficulty making the correlation of the NNs of Mars and Uranus making a conjunction to the Moon, as becoming an icon after death. I can undestand that, perhaps since Mars correlates to the part of our Soul's desires that can become conscious to us, Mars NN conjunct Pluto, signifies that the evolution of the archetype of Mars, is to totally align her personal/ego/Moon will, with Soul's will/desires and therefore also metamorphose (Pluto) the subjective consiousness/self-image (Moon), to match and become aware (Mars), the Soul's "self-image". Also seen through Pluto/Moon balsamic conjunction? When considering that the archetype of Uranus/Aquarius/11th house is prominent in this chart, given her NN in Aquarius, the natal placement of Uranus in Scorpio and the NN of Uranus conjucnt Pluto, I would say that another metamorphosis taking place (Scorpio/Pluto) concerns the liberation from the conditioned self (4th house SN-10th house NN) to the unconditioned self (NN of Uranus conjunct Pluto and Moon). Is the correlation of these placements to the "icon status" of Earhart after death, because Uranian Souls are trail-blazers (NN of Mars/breking new ground) for the deconditioning of others? Also, am I correct in understanding that the correlation between the NN of Venus, trine Saturn and Uranus (in balsamic conjunction) in Scorpio in the 7th, and her fame, has to do with the way in which the Soul is relating to itself and to others (Venus ruling 2nd and 7th house), through her Soul-need to individuate (Saturn and Uranus Retrograde), and to establish inner authority through performing a socially relevant function (NN in 10th house), therefore becoming a symbol/beacon for others?
Q2: "This is a true paradox of Uranus in her Soul’s context: by not being fully prepared to survive by way of short cuts taken for the trip..." What placements correlate to unpreparedness? I understand the the archetype of Gemini can be linked to underpreparation and an erroneous conviction of "knowing everything" (especially considering SN in Leo in the 4th house), but what is the link to Uranus and the NN in Aquarius and to Earhart's chart?
Given the similarities between Amelia Earhart's story and the myth of Icarus, I was curious to see where this asteroid is placed in her Natal Chart. Icarus "falls" at 3°30' Pisces in the 11th house (inconjunct her SN and her Sun in Leo in the 4th house), which in my mind can be an apt depiction of aligning an "overreaching goal to fly"/ overambitious personal desire to innovate (Icarus), with a social cause/ideal (11th house) to which is given ultimate meaning, in a self-sacricing way (Icarus in Pisces).
Also, asteroid Pallas Athena is in the 12th house Taurus, conjunct the AC, squares the Nodes. Could this be another indication of a Soul that identifies ultimate meaning in the restoration of balance between the masculine-feminine principles (4th - 10th house nodal axis) through the emancipation of the feminine (Pallas), and instinctively initiates experiences (AC) to express this? The square to the Nodes might also be a symbol for literally sacrificing her own body (Taurus)/her body literally vanishing (12th house) to this idealised cause (Pallas in 12th house).
Exploring this theme through the lense of her 2nd house Pluto in Gemini, and Mercury conjunct the SN (& SN conjunct the Sun) and Vesta (& Vesta conjunct Juno) in the 4th house Leo, could we say that this Soul had made a sacred contract with /commitment to Self (4th house), to creatively self-actualise (Leo) to the full of its potential and abilities(2nd house Pluto) ?
In complete gratitude - and quite possibly, complete confusion,
Divine Bless you