Hi Rad and All,
I have been diving into Lilith as of recently, and am connecting dots to how that pertains to the most natural sense of the feminine. I have a question that pertains to helping those ( male and female) tap into the undistorted masculine. Would utilizing Lilith be beneficial for unraveling the undistorted masculine within each of us, as Lilith can show us the feminine principle within all (male and female) and the masculine come from the feminine? Can we utilize other astrological asteroids or bodies that correspond to the masculine principle, that show the undistorted masculine? I am asking because I have many clients and people in my life who have the nodal axis of Leo/Aquarius who are non binary. There is an emphasis on both the masculine and feminine principles and unraveling of the undistorted version of both. What are the best astrological archetypes that help give a fuller picture of rediscovering what the undistorted are with both the masculine and feminine principle/archetypes? I feel from talking to Kristin that Lilith is such a key component but am wondering if there is a component with the masculine that I can utilize for the undistorted masculine, as well. Or would Lilith be sufficient enough, considering man comes from woman(relating back to the Garden of Eden Myth)? What would that look like? How could it be utilized to help soul’s who resonate with non-binary? Suggestions and thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thank you so much.
Much Love and gratitude,
Hi Mary, Jordyn, Nerissa and All,
As we are closing the thread (Nerissa, you're welcome to post if you still want to) i wish to bring attention to the chart of Michelle Obama. Today i was entertaining the probable wishful thinking moment of having Michelle Obama as the next president of the United States (i'm sure many people would be too!) when news arrive today that polls say she is the sure one able to beat trump in case Biden steps down. I went to see her chart and its really interesting to see her Lilith on the south node Capricorn (together with Vesta and Psyche and mercury!) and this right front the degrees of tomorrow's new moon! Just please contemplate this symbols...
The way i see things, this astrological correlations are gold for anyone trying to learn EA and the application of natural law, hence why i'm posting. One cannot make this things up and EA is about observation and correlation, and i was only imagining the pressure that could be within her soul to what this means, knowing se already said she does not want and will not run, but knowing the impact her choice could have on the lives of so many others and ultimately the world, knowing she could be the first woman (and also a black woman!) President of the most porwerful nation. And not only that but to beat that evil creep... Well this is also highlthing one other thing in her chart (and i am not going to elaborate deeper as i don't feel personally that is appropriate but leave to your personal considerations and observations) is that this is also manifesting what in EA we call a temporary skipped step with the transit of the nodes approaching a square to her mercury (ruler of her pluto) and the transit of the nodal axis is also squaring the natal nodal axis (leaving exact aspect at this point) with the transit north node conjuncting her jupiter (which is her natal skipped step), resolution node the south node with Lilith, mercury, vesta, psyche! This is maximum pressure in the life of this amazing soul! I'm sure her soul is doing what is right and true for herself and her journey, i just think it's incredible to see how this collective hopes and dreams can be seen projected at this point in time so sharply.
I leave the chart with today's transit (there is no birth time, birth data January 17 1964) and Deva's teachings on transits and temporary skipped steps link from the old message board that are very helpful and succint.
"2) If the transiting nodal axis is square a natal planet the specific dynamics symbolized by the nodal axis (by house and sign locality) then the current dynamics that are linked with the transition from past (transiting South Node) to future ( transiting North Node) act/serve as a skipped step in terms of the natal squaring planet. In other words, the transiting nodal axis symbolizes where our past meets our future, so to speak, and that those specific dynamics are now acting as skipped steps in the context of the natal planet. Again the transiting nodes symbolize the evolutionary movement/integration from past to future in the current time while the natal nodal axis reflects the ongoing transition from the evolutionary past to future throughout the life. "
Goddess Blessings,