Dear Rad,
Is it recommended to invest in transparency? Is personal transparency beneficial to the stability of one’s life and relationship with others?
It seems like transparency is the bullet that can boomerang and hit you…I am referencing witch trials and similar scenarios. Back then and now, all different in intensity.
In my mind it is good to be transparent because it gives others the courage to be transparent themselves, and if we were all transparent we could get to the bottom of issues and conflicts so much quicker with a lot less of the drama and confusion.
The way I understand it is that transparency is a raw currency exchange. It’s always a risk. You’re always taking a chance and this would correlate to the archetype of Scorpio which is knowing who to trust and who not for honoring your transparency and treating it for the rare gift that it is these days, but at times finding it the precursor to rejection. There is always the contingency of what we call Supreme Giving, which is not rejection at all.
For me it feels fake when I represent myself one way to some and another to others. I am always reflecting on my capacity for hypocrisy and that is the thing I get after almost anything else when I detect it.
Is transparency safe? In the real world? The here and now?
God Bless
Hi Stacy,
From my point of view I would say we need to always remember that we are living in an imperfect world very far removed from the Natural Laws that when lived would naturally allow for full 'transparency'. The vast majority of humans are living in violation of those natural laws.
So, to me, one must always evaluate the nature of whatever situations/ people we interact with at any moment in time. Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus and the 2nd house which correlates among other archetypes SURVIVAL. And is also correlates to one's inner relationship to oneself, and how we relate too and interact with other humans: the Libra archetype also ruled by Venus.
Thus, evaluating where others are 'coming from' within their own Souls in order to know how to relative to them because of that. In this way, relative to the survival instinct, we can determine how much, and to what degree, we can be 'transparent' with others.
A simple example I would offer beyond humans of this way of living in the world as it is now is reflected in some plants I live with. Very recently I needed to change the size of a pot that a Venus flytrap had been living in because it became to small for it to continue to grow. When it was time to take it out of its existing pot, and move it into a larger pot that I had prepared for it, all of the traps that had been wide open began to instinctually close upon me touching it's roots in order to move it. It could not remain 'transparent' or open because of its own survival instinct. It had a defensive, Scorpio, reaction to this change.
The plant needed time to 'evaluate' the new conditions it found itself in order to determine if it was safe or not to do so. And those conditions included the human that it was interacting with: relating too. It took about 12 hours for this evaluation to be complete to the point where it began to naturally open it's traps back up: to trust the new conditions.
So, in the same way, we as humans need to always be evaluating the nature of the conditions we find ourselves in, and the humans within those conditions in order to intinctually know how open or transparent we can be because of our own survival instincts. For the humans we can fully trust then we should be as open and transparent as we can be. For others that we do not have that full trust then we need to be guarded in order to survive.
God Bless, Rad
That was a really great example. This is helpful. Thank you so much for this answer.
One further question: how does one handle it if there is no one trusted? Guarding can shift into hiding from my observation. How does one guard and not hide?
Hi Rad & Stacie
This question & dynamic seems very much related to something I've been thinking of asking about - but, it's difficult to even know what to ask!
It refers to a post Rad had about 'Neptunian emotions' & within that Rad spoke of a
(quote from EA Glossary) : "pure emotion that correlates to Neptune/12th/pisces that very very few people know about: the pure emotion of the psychological dynamics of feeling 'duped, naive, stupid' that can lead to that psychology is one wherein the soul assumes that all souls simply want to do the right thing, that all people are whom they appear to be, that all other souls do not do harmful or bad things to its own self. This archetype here is one of emotional assumptions. These kinds of emotional assumptions emanate from the natural psychological purity or innocence contained within the Pisces archetype. And it is this kind of emotion that can then lead to feeling stupid, duped, naive, dislillusioned and so on..."
Rad then speaks of evolution taking place emotionally needs to be done with all the different emotional realities represented by the water triad"
Rad & Stacie - this seems, perhaps to do a bit with the discussion of 'transparency' & also Stacie's further questions......I'm wondering, Stacie if this resonates with you?
And Rad, if there is a correlation between Stacies questions & this quote about Neptunian emotions - ?
I was surprised that it is considered that 'very' few know about this dynamic - admittedly I live it - but all the same, it seems it wouldn't be that uncommon.
It's difficult though to talk about because it is Neptunian, so, it simply IS.
However, I'm understanding that 'emotional assumptions' is another way of saying 'projections' - is this correct, or is there a different dynamic at play?
Rad, my main question since I read this (probably years ago!) is simply why is it 'very very uncommon' or not well known-?
Stacie, I think I understand some of what you're speaking of - I have compensated & catatonia & selective mutism & all that stuff with regard to 'dealing' with the nature of things & the constant astonishment of things - it seems there must be a happy place of balance with regard to these dynamics.
I've learned to simply accept that this dynamic (the Neptunian one) will simply continue to BE & simply IS & go with the flow as circumstances & situations arise.
I cannot seem to change that nature no matter how consistently frustrating or flat-out stupid I seem to be!
I'm wondering, Stacie - if this Neptunian aspect correlates to what you are speaking of, too?
& Rad, I'm wondering what you could add to this: we have the Taurus/Libra archetypes
Then we have Scopio & Pisces trine
& I cannot help but think the trine from Taurus to Virgo has a lot to do with how to navigate this: Virgo's ability for discrimination & anyalysis.
Rad, as an aside I want to thank you for a simple gift in your language, when you were using the repotted plant as an example, and described the plant as “a plant that you live with”. This is the world I remember and plants are not referenced with that kind of respect all that often these days. This kind of implied equality between ’kingdoms’ in Nature Is so essential to the health of the whole Web. It was a nice dose of heart medicine in unexpected form.
Thank you for your thoughtful post about transparency. The concept of transparency can be complex and nuanced, and it's important to consider the potential risks and benefits before deciding whether to invest in it.
In general, being transparent can be beneficial in both personal and professional relationships. It can help build trust, foster open communication, and lead to more efficient conflict resolution. However, as you mentioned, there are also risks involved, such as the potential for judgment or rejection.
It's important to approach transparency with a balanced perspective and consider the context of each situation. While it may not always be appropriate or necessary to share every detail of your life, being open and honest about your intentions, thoughts, and feelings can help establish a foundation of trust and understanding.
Ultimately, the decision to be transparent is a personal one, and it's important to weigh the potential risks and benefits for each situation. With careful consideration and a commitment to authenticity, transparency can be a valuable tool in building meaningful relationships.