Hi everyone
Sorry if this question has been answered before, but I could not find the post that has it.
I have some doubts pertaining to Skipped Steps (Planet squaring the node), when it is not exact, and how to determine what stage of the skipped step the soul is in depending on if the South Node or North Node is applying
For example – Let’s say Nodes are 5 degrees South Node Scorpio/North Node Taurus, and the Moon is square the nodes. (see image)

Would there be a different interpretation for the following:
Moon being at 2 degrees Leo
Moon being at 8 degrees Leo
2. Because the nodes move retrograde, I am assuming that we are focusing on the movement of the North Node as it applies or separates to the planet which is squared is that a correct observation?
3. I guess my question here is, do I reference the North Node (which is separating), the South Node(which is applying), or both, and what does that mean from an EA point of view. If the nodes were reversed, would the interpretation be different?
Any input or guidance here will be greatly appreciated.
If this has been answered, and someone can share a link to the post, I would appreciate that as well!
Hi Natasha,
Yes, there is a significant difference in interpreting the 2 degree Leo Moon position versus the 8 degree Leo Moon position relative to the Moon square to the Nodes
The 2 degree Leo Moon is moving into the square, thus waxing (more stress) and the 8 degree Leo Moon is moving out of the square, thus waning.
While both Leo Moon degrees are still in a critical square to the Nodes, and those skipped steps must be resolved for evolution to proceed, it is more intense with the 2 degree Leo Moon. This is similar to how it feels right before a Full Moon where the emotions are maxed out similar to a balloon that is ready to pop, versus how it feels right after a Full Moon, we tend to exhale, like air coming out of a balloon, as if we have just come through something.
Imagine the relief for the client to know they are moving out of the exact square where they have been resistant to evolve for possibly lifetimes.
In the case where a Soul is moving into the square, you emphasize their need to address this in full, and to know that their Soul will call in circumstances that require the Soul to work through these themes.
Simple example here with Moon in Leo in the 4th square the Nodes. This Soul will likely feel thrown back on themselves at a young age, possible feel very much alone on the journey, as it is a necessary lifetime for inner self reliance and emotional maturation. In addition, we pick up where we left off, so the family dynamics and members can feel resonant from prior lifetimes.
2. The easiest way to understand this is to remember that the Nodes move clockwise, and the planets move counterclockwise, so since the last Node to cross over the Moon is the North Node in this example, it is separating, so you count the degrees of separation between the North Node and the Moon.
2 degree Leo Moon = 88 degree square ( moving into exact square)
8 degree Leo Moon = 93 degree square ( moving away from exact square) so the Soul has been working on this skipped step longer.
3. You would reference both Nodes in terms of interpretation and in understanding the skipped step ie. what the Soul is resolving and how long relatively speaking the Soul has been working on that dynamic.
Of course, there can be cases where the Nodes will be reversed. If it was the South Node in the 2nd house, count the degrees of separation from the South Node to the Moon in Leo skipped step.
A really simple way to do this as well is to pretend that you are standing on that Moon and facing the center of the wheel. The Node to the left is the one separating, and then count the degrees of separation to find the degree of the skipped step and whether the planet is moving into or out of the square.
Hope this helps,
Goddess Bless,
P.S. There are loads of posts on the old Message Board on the subject.
Hi Natasha, I just want to add a few points to what Kristin wrote,
Here's a thread where Rad addressed the meaning of whether the planet is applying to the square or separating. Wide Orb Applying Skipped Step
And a specific quote on this (this was in reference to a very wide separating orb).
And this is another thread from the archives where I asked a related question:
From me, which Rad confirmed:
So it's helpful to think of orbs in general not just an indication of "intensity" but more so as an indication of where a soul is at in time relative to resolving this particular dynamic.
Another useful teaching from JWG which I found in the EA glossary:
Kristin and Ari - you guys are awesome. Thank you so much for all your input and help! I This was VERY helpful! Thank you for again, very grateful for such an amazing comminuty.