I'm working with one of my first clients and am struggling with interpreting the Pluto placement and nodes in the chart. She has Pluto in 7th house, south node in 2nd and north node in 8th. I'm struggling with interpreting how the souls core desire would be to be in relationship but her south node is in the 2nd house, meaning she would have been an introverted/isolated person previously. Why would the soul with a desire for relationship create an ego/personality that is inherently a loner?
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JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers
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First, we do not do personal charts, or the charts of clients on this message board. Second, in order to correctly understand any birth chart from an EA point of view it is essentail that the entire chart be understood starting with the EA paradigm itself. In other words, simply looking at one or two symbols, or any symbol(s) that are not connected to the entire birth chart, will never allow for a correct understanding of any birth chart.
All signs and houses have a spectrum of archetypes within them: they don't mean or equal just one thing or dynamic. Relative to your question it is then necessary to understand the entire birth chart, starting with the EA paradigm, in order to understand WHY the Soul has intiated the TYPES of relationships, the 7th House Pluto, that it has in order to learn the evolutonary lessons the 2nd House SN. Once this is correctly understood it is then, and only then, possible to understand in that context the evolutionary meaning and intentions of the 1st House polarity point of Pluto, and how the Soul intends to actualize it in this life: the NN in the 8th House.
God Bless, Rad