I know this is the day some of us celebrate the life of Christ, and God bless him. He is forever imprinted in my soul and I hope with all my breath that I will live true to that. I love you Jesus. I want everyone else to love you too.
One thing thing that JWG taught is that there is not just one Christ. There are many souls who have done the same kind of work.
The one I would like to mention is Sri Yukteswar. I used to feel so intimidated by him because I didn't feel worthy of his very high standard. Today I remembered something important. He was Saint Francis of Assisi and he was the one who welcomed the village wolf and looked it in the eyes. Everyone else thought it was a demon, but Yukteswar/St. Francis looked him in the pupils and saw beauty, not just in form but in spirit as well. Yukeswar would also look ghosts in the face that everyone ran from. Lastly, let us remember that Yukteswar is the father of EA. He sent it to Jeffrey Wolf Green in a dream in Sanskrit. Also Jesus is Jeffrey's friend too.
Let us celebrate this day, and every day forward in this spirit. Whoever is attracted to EA has a pulse running through them that vibrates to God'dess. I love you all. ❤️
This is really beautiful Stacie, thanks for sharing.
Hi Stacie,
Even if late, Merry Christmas time to you too! And thank you for remind us of the true spirit of Jesus to be in our hearts. I have been poundering about that and the lineage of EA has too its roots in the real teachings of Jesus. In a funny way i kind of asked myself yesterday what would be the real face of Jesus? We know this wasn't his real birthday and that his face has been adjusted to whatever cause/religion but found a artist who has created his version of the true face of Jesus (from A. I,) and other more coming from scientists. The world somehow would need a true image of Jesus. I'll post bellow the one from A.I. out of curiosity by artist Bas Uterwijk that is fascinating.
I also tend to feel the same about Sri Yukteswar, so much honorability emanating from him i don't feel worthy... what an impecabble Teacher soul indeed. I think though that St. Francis of Assisi was a past life from Yogananda wasn't it? I was checking the older MB to see where this idea of mine might have come from and i guess i got that impresion from a post there but you might know something i'm not aware and it's mercury retrograde afterall. In any case, i feel the spirit of what you bring, and thank you for reminding us of that Stacie.
May Goddess Bless,
Everyone, I have confirmed that my facts about Yukteswar or Yogananda having been St. Francis in past life is incorrect. I apologize for the confusion. Thank you Helena for making me aware.