Hello Rad and all,
I noticed that at the time of the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction at 21°49’ Taurus, asteroid Lucifer will also be continuing its transit in the sign of Taurus, and at the time of the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction will be at 18°25’ Taurus.
I was hoping to have your insights on how to approach interpreting this upcoming transit/conjunction of Lucifer, to Jupiter - Uranus in Taurus, specifically as to how we might be experiencing distortions to the archetype the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus/the influence of evil and conversely, how we may be called to work with Lucifer as Light-Bearer, as an opportunity to unite with the consciousness of God/Goddess in this setting.
My attempted interpretation, is that with the transiting Lucifer in Taurus, one of the ways in which the influence of evil can manifest, both on a personal and a collective level, is through an intensification of the psychology of lack, whereby any existing emotional dynamics of fear -of survival, of insufficiency, of loss of that which is considered valuable- may triggered by some external circumstance, intensified, generating a distorted perception of reality. The effects of these may be compete despair and self-defeat, which in the sign of Taurus might be a loss of the sense of resources and/or the capacity to generate that which is needed to be self-reliant/sufficient, a sense of being restricted/stuck/Taurus despite any self-effort, and a total sense of lack of self-worth. This may also lead to victimisation and vengefulness against the perceived cause of “loss” and/or extreme rage that escalates to a sense of entitlement to possess, by any means necessary, that which is considered a valuable resource for survival.
In parallel, if I understand correctly, the archetype of the Jupiter-Uranus relationship in Taurus, can -in its positive expression -speak of our capacity to liberate/Uranus from existing limiting beliefs/Jupiter, to individuate through and expressing personal truth, with respect to our inner values /Taurus. The conjunction may then be speaking of a time of culmination in the operation of these dynamics and a subsequent new cycle of “re-invention” of our beliefs and personal truth around values, resources and self-sufficiency.
In this context, would then the influence of Lucifer and the upcoming transits/conjunctions, also speak of where there might be distortions (Lucifer) of beliefs (Jupiter) around the idealisation or vilification of groups/communities (Uranus) particularly ones associated with country/nation (Taurus), such as the phenomena of racism or other such types of group-mentality? Or even a sense of entitlement/an “entitled group mentality” whereby using certain communities or people/Uranus to generate wealth/Taurus for the benefit of the “entitled group” of people, is “justified” by distorted beliefs/Jupiter?
In this sense, would the “antidote” through the polarity of Scorpio, be to tune into a desire to “penetrate” the deeper psychological landscape, to detect, examine and understand the exact nature of whatever intrinsic fears of lack/loss that are being triggered, in order to ultimate acknowledge them, as the true cause of the distorted perception?
Is the capacity that comes through the archetype of Lucifer as Bearer of Light, in Taurus, a cultivation of the awareness/ ability to live and inspire others to the consciousness of abundance, security and sufficiency, found when valuing above all/seeking only to know God/Goddess?
God/Goddess bless,
Just in time for my jupiter return in taurus conjunct uranus in the third....wonderful ~