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JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers
Forum Posts
Feb 08, 2025
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I hit a roadblock in my understanding and I’m wondering if I got confused somewhere.
In evolutionary astrology, we are born as our South Node and Pluto and evolve into the rest of our chart through conditioning and life experiences. If that’s true, then in early childhood, should a child’s willpower, instinctual drive, and action (Mars) be expressed in the archetype of their South Node/Pluto, or the sign Mars is in?
For example, if a child has:
• Pluto & South Node in Capricorn in the 8th house
• Mars in Leo
Would their early expressions of will, frustration, and drive be more Capricorn/Scorpio-like (controlled, intense, survival-driven, responsible)? Or would they already show signs of Leo (playful, dramatic, confident)?
If Mars represents willpower and drive, but we are born as our South Node & Pluto, does this mean Mars would initially be filtered through the South Node/Pluto archetype before developing into the sign it’s in?
Jan 28, 2025
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I tried to find some sources online for this forum and the old forum, but I couldn’t find.
I’m still doing research on a chart interpretation and in Dave Green’s tutorial on YouTube and talked about the water Trinity and the progression and emotional security from outside to inside giving examples of what that looks like for cancer Scorpio and Pisces individually.
Would someone be able to give me the same type of explanation for fire trinity air trinity and earth trinity?
From what I can remember, earth was about succeeding in civilization . From personal resources to finding right work to serve others and therefore civilization. But fire and air I couldn’t find.
Dec 13, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I was reading the threads given about my question regarding Saturn and the moon and ego.
As far as I can understand, the moon is the lens chosen by the soul to reflect itself (scale: ocean to a wave)
The moon is the person we are within our self. Our inner world. Who we are when we are alone. It represents the “I am” (who we feel we are inside of ourselves).
I’m assuming since it correlates to emotions, that our emotional body also adds to the feeling of who we are.
I keep coming back to the same question about the sun. And I’ve read the forum in regards to the sun but for some reason it doesn’t click.
Self actualization to me is actualizing the self. As in solidifying who we are. I thought the sun was who we are but now I see that the moon is (truly the soul,, but I’m trying to stick to the more conscious part of us). Is the sun the part that solidifies who we feel we are (moon) and helps us project that image? Is there a thread that goes as deep into the sun as the threads given on the moon? I always get stuck on the sun.
Also everything I read on the moon makes me think of mars. How the soul (Pluto) gets physically projected as mars (maybe I misunderstood??)
My assumption is that Pluto (soul) gets fractured into a multitude of these lenses (each planet/house/sign) and moon/4/cancer is who we are inside, more specifically who we feel (emotions) we are inside and mars is more our instinctual nature. How we act who we are based on our instincts
Couple more questions:
- is there a part of the chart that represents the projection of who are into the physical world? Is that the persona or descendant? Or is it MC?
• Is there a reason why the sun as a skipped step seems vastly diff than the other skipped steps? Why is a sun the potential to make a skipped step while the others are something relative to the past.
• There’s something that happens within us when who are (moon) isn’t acceptable in society. Sometimes we fake the projection to fit in but sometimes we repress/suppress that person and become someone else. Sometimes this new person gets distorted as well. There seem to be layers to the ego (some would call these parts a shadow).. is there anything explaining this in EA?
Thank you again for the moon explanations! It really took me on a rabbit hole but I think I’m getting it.. just a lot of questions come up in the process
Dec 12, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
When i hear about archetypes in EA I’m pointed towards the house sign planet aspect
In examples I often read about the sign planet and house but I haven’t seen a thread where the aspect is synthesized into this archetype in a simple understandable way (for me!)
Examples are great. Like if you are looking for the archetype of the soul you would look to Pluto Scorpio 8, but then how does the aspect add to the character of the archetype?
Dec 12, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I would like to inquire about the EA view on house axes.
I tried to Google the old website but they only had 6/12. I couldn’t find on this it’s.
I google 3/9 but regular astro just didn’t sound right. I’m looking in particular for 3/9 but I would love to learn the EA view on all of them.
Also is there an EA book recommendation on this topic?
Oct 15, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
JWG talks a lot about Tantra. Especially it being healing to some people. Is there any sources he lists for a good source of Tantra? Since he mentions a lot of it is not the right Tantra .
Oct 10, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I am reading about the sun being a skipped step. It seems to say that in this life one has to be careful in order not to create skipped steps.
I am wondering, if it could be accurate to say, that one has a special purpose in this life, which may be one that they don’t necessarily want to do. And by not fulfilling it, they may create a skipped step
Could this be possible?
Sep 27, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I just started the Pluto book vol 2
Is it safe to say that in this life we come in with a strength of birth chart planet sign house and in order to widen our perception and heal we look to the opposite ? Our main focus (in regards to this polarity) is the area we are born in and the opposite helps us become more balanced in that area. Helps us master it in a more balanced way?
Or are we supposed to end up kind of in the middle of the two energies?
Are we supposed to look at all the planets in the birth chart this way? I’m pretty sure yes but I don’t want to assume anything!
Sep 09, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
In Handbook for a Humanistic Astrologer , michael Meyer says that Saturn is the ego.
I thought the moon/cancer/4th was the ego?
Could I ask for a clarification on this from EA perspective?
I’ll quote what he says specifically:
“ the dyad of identification and adaptation is the symbolic molding force behind the establishment (moon ) of the ego (Saturn) and its gradual development (moon) into a distinct individual (Saturn)”.
Aug 05, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I’m going a bit of research on intercepted signs and planets. I think based on your posts I’ll have to buy Pluto book 2 which I will do now. in the meantime I have two questions
1. do we look at the ruler of the intercepted sign or is it mute? There was an example given where mars was in Pisces intercepted .. would we look at Neptune?
2. If so.. what if Neptune was intercepted as well, would that have significance? Or what if the ruler of the cusp of any given house was intercepted?
My guess is it’s hidden for a reason, maybe in order to develope something else that maybe this planet/sign would get in the way of. But it’ll come out in progressions/ transits which I think will make it useful that time?
Jul 19, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
When looking at a Uranus transit, I’ve been looking at the natal Saturn to see what the conditioning is to be deconditioned.. but should I also take into consideration the transiting Saturn too (not natal)?
To simplify, I’ve been thinking of it as a video game. Saturn is the game, inner planets are part of the avatar and the outer planets are the person playing. Is this a fair metaphor?
I’m currently reading all of the pages on Saturn on the old forum to better understand, it’s really well done!
Jul 07, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Could you tell me the EA meaning/description of black moon Lilith ? I searched the old forum through google and the new forum search option but weren’t able to find.
I’m on the hemispheric pattern part of the Humanistic Astrologer book and realized that I don’t know BML through the eyes of EA.
Thanks so much!
Jun 10, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Does it mean something to have pluto (or any planet) so close to the border of a house? Is there something to be said in EA where within a house planets are located? Or the degrees (in the beginning middle or end of the 30°)
Jun 10, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
In our EA course second segment notes/dictations JWG says the following is extremely accurate:
Chart 3 was a nurturing feminine mother to chart 4 and chart 4 abandoned them.
How did they find this in the charts?
Also page 287: how is Leo squaring Scorpio a “natural consequence to the subconscious memory of abandonment”?
Also: why does mars have a deep anger issue w men?
I thought south node and pluto and maybe Uranus told us about previous lifetimes. Do all the planets?
I don’t want to skip over anything and I really want to understand this, any help would be super appreciated!
Jun 03, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
In the pluto in libra chapter of the pluto book, page 133
“ in this way, they have become dependent on the other to have their needs, desires, ideas, values and beliefs, validated, defined and fulfilled by the other.”
7,9 and 2nd house. This makes a yod, right?
Could you explain why JWG used a natural yod here to explain pluto in libra?
This feels major in chart reading and I want to be able to do the same when I read charts.
Is this something I can do when I read any other house/sign ? Or is it particular here?
Jun 01, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I’m going through the chart practice rad sent. I’m reading 7th house libra.
Question: it says the individual has been learning objective awareness. Is this because it’s evolving from Virgo and this is a Virgo trait? Having self actualized in Leo and then going through humbling experiences (w the help of the analytical mind) the individual begins to reasses itself objectively ?
I’m asking because I thought objective awareness was more Aquarian. But now that I’m digesting this text I can totally see that it could be Virgo.
Also, as a beginner astrologer, I’m finding myself stuck in beginner things and I don’t want to look to “cookbooks” for possibly false information. I’m loving this and the old forum and I noticed a text rad posted about a book for more foundational astro info “ a handbook for the humanistic astrologer by michael Meyer”
Would you recommend this for me?
If there’s anywhere else to get more beginner astrology to help me be able to read a chart I would really appreciate it so I don’t have to keep asking beginner questions. I just really want to get better at this. I really love it and I think I can be great at it. I relate a lot with needing the ultimate “why” answered, get down to the root and work my way back up (in EA astro)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
May 24, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
It seems to say that mars in Gemini will go towards duality types of men. I thought mars was more what you are (action) sexually and venus was more what you attract. Wouldn’t venus in Gemini make more sense for attracting duality in men and mars in Gemini would be more she is the one who has a duality within her that’s she acts out?
Also: It keeps talking about her being a nun etc and relating it often through Pisces. But to me nun is more 9th house religion and Pisces is more a spiritual relationship w god. Could you clarify for me please?
And why did they say she has a dominant sexual nature on page 277 second paragraph? Because of her pluto in Virgo in 8th? Venus Aries? I couldn’t understand why it was so dominantly sexual.
Thanks so much, sorry if these questions are elementary
May 24, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Is there a way to do a chart practice w someone on here? I can’t really tell how I’m doing and maybe someone could see and tell me what I need to work on?
May 16, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I’m at the relationships section and I feel it’s really getting intense with multiple planets and lots of archetypes and meanings etc. So I had to go back and really solidify my archetypes and phases in order to understand.
I’m trying to keep all of my learning to JWG’s teachings so as not to confuse myself wi th “cookbooks”. I am new to astrology so please keep that in mind.
I’m not understanding the correlation of Leo/5th/sun and purpose. I understand self actualization though.
I read up on Leo on the forums here and they mentioned the purpose for the soul is PPP.
In the dvds JWG said our soul is learning pluto(placement house sign), and to do that(in this lifetime) we need to go to PPP.
Sometimes the NN seems like a purpose as well but I think that’s more like the direction we take in life (mission) in order to find our PPP. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Also, the integration part of the archetype of Leo/sun/5 is easier for me to understand when mercury is in the same sign as sun. But when they are different I have trouble which makes me think I’m mixing up integration with mercurial processing.
I really tried to read through your forums before asking as they said you’ve written a lot about this .. I feel bad but I just don’t understand purpose and integration well enough.
May 06, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
How I took the beginning of the dvd course is that planets house sign archetypes are interchangeable or synonymous. I have this feeling that there’s exceptions though.
Like the sixth house and mercury.
Can we say sixth house deals with health?
Does mercury as well?
Any links to clarify the differences would be much appreciated as I’m not sure how to search (I have tried prior to asking!).
I have to deeply understand in order to intuit and I really want to do this well.
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