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Elemental trinities
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Feb 08, 2025
I appreciate that your course goes in-depth on these topics, and I’d definitely consider it if I could. Unfortunately, in my current state,  it’s just not something I can afford right now, which is why I’m trying to learn as much as I can through the forum. Since we were recently encouraged to ask more questions here, I wanted to take that opportunity :) If I didn’t understand the December post made by Rav Chahal please let me know. I always get the feeling my questions are too basic for this forum yet then some people make it seem like I can ask. So I’m a little bit confused and I don’t want to bother anyone but also really am excited about this course and hopefully new life path. I’m trying hard to be a great EA astrologer. Which leaves me a little nervous. If someone could clarify what I can ask or maybe if I can improve my structure, that would be helpful. My north node is in Gemini in the 10th so it’s a struggle (if that example helps clarify). As for giving it a shot—here’s my understanding so far: Each element naturally forms a trinity   fire, earth, air, water. The progress is shaped through modality (cardinal fixed mutable) • Water Trinity (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): emotional/spiritual evolutionary process—moving from personal emotional security  (Cancer) to relational/emotional transformation (Scorpio) to universal compassion and ultimate surrender (Pisces)? • Fire Trinity (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): evolution of self-expression? Or is it identity??. from instinctual identity and willpower (Aries) to personal creative actualization (Leo) to belief system expansion and a search for ultimate truth (Sagittarius)? • Earth Trinity (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): material and structural evolution. starting with survival and self-sufficiency (Taurus), then refining and improving through self-analysis and service (Virgo), and culminating in externalized mastery and societal contribution (Capricorn)? • Air Trinity (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): evolution of the mind and social connectio?? , moving from curiosity and gathering information (Gemini) to awareness and balance through relationships (Libra) to intellectual individuation and progressive vision (Aquarius)? I would  love to know if I’m on the right track or if EA interprets these trinities in a different way. Or adds a different layer or insight. I find EA has such a beautiful way of putting things that get to the core rather than plugging in random archetypes. It deeply resonates with me. when I read something from EA it’s so refined . I’m looking for this refinement. I’m studying the forum thread about EA chart interpretation and I’m trying to use this formula in my own chart interpretation practice but I hit a road block in trinities and I feel like my interpretations may sound too “cookbook” :( I tried to make my above interpretation sound as much EA as I could
Skipped step sun
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Jan 20, 2025
Hi Ari, Im very sorry it took so long to reply. Thank you so much for this in depth response. I definitely didn’t mean it in just the moon way. And so I am confused why this miscommunication happen on my part. The sun integrates all the planets is what i understood from JwG, moon included. But I think when i mentioned inner world it sounded like moon where I meant “moon included”. I am trying to be clear in my questions but I think I still need to work on “Evolutionary astrological terminologies and definitions” and speaking the symbols in my mind. I thank you for your patience. I had to look up the def for purpose because I get stuck on it every time someone mentions the sun and purpose. “The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc” The reason why we are here. Is that how EA sees the sun? My understanding is most ppl don’t know why they are here. And what’s confusing to me is that the souls desire is(to me) more the reason why we are here. That’s why the sun being the most conscious part of us made the most sense, especially w the word “creative”. The word creative has many meanings as well. Which one is the most EA? Creative self actualization. Creative can mean thinking outside the box or making something. In esoteric studies it may mean manifestation/creation. It’s hard because every time I ask a question I realize more things I don’t yet know or understand and I really don’t want to bother anyone on here. I took "how we give meaning to things through sun", as JWG had said, which is: example through pisces as spiritually, or sag philosophically. Which to me means that’s the lens we see things through. How we integrate, but what is the process of integration?? is it emotional or intellectual? How our mind processes it? How we perceive it? But That starts to sound very sag so I don’t think I understand. What is the process of giving meaning to something, i realize now that maybe this is personal to each person, but Im sure EA has a great definition. You had said “how we inhabit our unique purpose". Its hard to understand because Im not sure I know my purpose yet. I am a pisces and I do have a very spiritual way of processing this world and my actions. But I think its very internal. Then I try to observe (in order to understand) and I’m not sure if I see people living their sun in that way. I do of course have to remember that their sun is in a house and could have aspects.. so observation will only get me so far. So i have to ask: what do you mean? To me, our beliefs systems and perception (sag) also give meaning . In which way does the sun give meaning (so I can separate it from the sag way I had mentioned). I have pluto transiting near the end of my fifth house and it felt more like for the first time I was creating a life for myself through figuring out who i am. So is the sun who we are, our human identity? Is it the place where we create from or the creation itself? Or is that the same thing, one stemming from the other. Your SN NN integration comment: So if we don’t integrate the nn properly therefore balancing the two nodes, we will come back w a sun square the nodes? And if someone has the sun square the nodes, we can counsel the person on how to integrate the NN whilst using the SN in a more balanced way? I hope I got that because it makes a lot of sense. Thank you. Also: does this manifest somehow in the human life, the sun squaring the nodes to help the person realize? or is the only way to see it is in the chart therefore those who don’t see their chart won’t know? Is there a way to check this through observation? You had mentioned confidence, maybe looking at our insecurities will help us find clarity in our purpose (reason why we are here)? Your intuition was correct and I appreciate the clarification. The sun itself does not share light on past life dynamics, but more so emphasizes the need to balance the moons nodes. But it does mean that the person in a past life (or lives) didn’t balance them and so needs to in this life. So indirectly it does still point to a need to rectify something that wasn’t done in the past. I’m now wondering if all the planets square the nodes utilize this balancing need. Makes sense as JWG said that we evolve through our emotional body, which I loved so much. As you said we need the (SUN) courage, entilement to create, clarity of purpose and confidence in one's self to execute this square.. I can see the nuance here now! It’s so subtle but I think I get it and also how all the other skipped steps relate. I think I’m still missing a little click, bt I know this info with practice will solidify. Thank you! “The sun becomes the purpose to actualize the EA dynamic”, this is still confusing for me and i think it because of my first questions above. With those, I will reread and I think it’ll make sense. The diff btw the souls purpose and suns purpose is confusing. I am reading it as (in relation to the sun squaring the nodes) the purpose is to balance the moon’s nodal dynamic in order to fulfill the other purpose which is pluto. Is this correct: resolution node is closer to the skipped step planet, right? To make sure again that I got it: Any skipped step planet means that energy that the planet carries wasn’t done in a past life (except sun which just highlights the nodal axis) and so its important to rectify in this lifetime. Do we have to balance the moons nodes always and then resolve the resolution node or we only focus on the resolution node? "Our sense of confidence and clarity of purpose is dependent entirely upon this resolution.” this sentence is a tough tone for me. So if one doesn’t resolve the sun skipped step, they risk being left insecure and unable to see their purpose. I think this makes a lot of sense actually! how the soul will give purpose to and creatively actualize their soul-level reason for incarnation in the first place. This sentence I think will make more sense (to me) once I get clarity on the words creatively and purpose. could you give an example? I just have trouble synthesizing the words to actual action in human life. how would a soul w pisces sun give purpose and creatively actualize their soul-level reason for incarnation? The latter soul-level meaning pluto right? I think once I receive clarity on my first question (purpose creativity etc) I’ll be able to internalize this information. It’s one thing to understand intellectually but then I have trouble picturing it actualize/manifest. I am reading your example (virgo sun, gemini NN) and I will need more time to process it . I have saved it on my phone. Again thank you so much Ari
Skipped step sun
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Dec 31, 2024
I am going to try to articulate what I know of the above and the sun in my own words and hopefully I understand it but if I don’t then maybe you can see where I’m going wrong. The sun is the most conscious part of us. It’s the part that is processing and integrating the information from within and from the outer world in order to create a person that creates a certain life. How it’s doing this is given by the sign it’s in. The aspects house etc will give even more clues into how this is done, When the sun is a skipped step it means that the soul has been trying to fast track and tended to try to create a life through the SN energy instead of both which created an imbalance. Possibly through multiple lifetimes and so this sun skipped step is now a warning to make sure to integrate the balance of the SN and NN into the life it creates or becomes. I’m going to present my own guess into why the sun is the only skipped step that doesn’t give a past life meaning like the others do. Example moon is the emotional memory carried into this life. The sun is more of a warning than an actual past life if you know what I mean? I think this is because the sun seems more present than other planetary bodies. It is how we integrate now. Maybe how we integrated in prior lives isn’t important to know as it’s not carried forward. How we integrate is how we integrate now in this life and not in previous lives. So the sun as a skipped step is more about how we integrate now and to make sure we balance our SN NN. To do this we must look at the axis of the SN NN and equally balance it. We also have to look at the sign house and aspects of each node. Did I understand this correctly? And if this is intercepted but the sun is obviously making an aspect would this mean we don’t really look at it? Because if the interception has an aspects it’s something the soul is kind of hiding from consciousness in order to focus on other thing. Whereas if there wasn’t an aspect we would need to build on it? Or is there an exception for the nodes w a skipped step. I’m very nervous about putting my understanding out there but here it goes! 😅
Hello! :)
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Skipped step sun
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