Hello Deva and All,
I am studying the DVDs and currently, I am watching the 24th, but so far I have not seen anything regarding the role of culture in evolutionary growth and to be honest, I have seen each DVD about six times. Could you please let me know how I can take culture into consideration?
For instance, I am from Iran and my country has long been in crisis and war, and the people here have never had the chance to experience economical or political stability.
I would like to know how this could be described in the birth chart of Iranians.
Hi Maryann
The underlying dynamic in EA is to understand WHY any given Soul chooses to be born into the culture/ religion/ parents/ economic conditions and so on that it does. So of course this requires the EA astrologer to understand the nature of the different cultures/ societies/ and religions on our Earth.
To understand the WHY of anything in the birth chart from an EA point of view is to understand the core EA paradigm in each chart/ person.
God Bless, Rad
Hi Maryam,
I am following on from Rad's reply to you with regards to your question about culture and politics. You have brought up a great question, especially for all EA practitioners.
As Rad has already explained, understanding cultural norms and customs is important when working with a natal chart because without that context, one wouldn't be able to decipher a chart correctly.
In JWG's book Pluto Volume II, Chapter 4 covers the topic of "Social, Cultural, Parental and Religious Imprinting." The chapter explains these fours areas and how it can affect one's Soul evolution and life journey. This is worth a read if you haven't already. If you have, it's great to re-read because as our knowledge grows, our interpretation also expands and it can give you a different perspective which you may not have had before.
Best wishes,