Hi All,
Here is the chart for the exact time of Pluto goes into Aquarius. This chart is calculated for Greenwich, England: 3/23/2023 at 12:14 pm GMT.
If anyone wished to comment on it, and/or ask questions please feel free to do so.
God Bless, Rad

JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers
Hi Rad,
I was noticing pluto is square north node mars, exact, and north node venus. In the other thread where I asked about pluto square to just one node you replied, If I understand correctly:
"When this occurs through transit the Soul is desiring to draw upon those archetypes for the time frame in question that the Soul needs in order to accelerate its ongoing evolutionary journey that is symbolized in the inherent Pluto paradigm in the natal chart itself."
Could we view this on a collective level here? I am getting a sense that with pluto in Aquarius, things would necessarily be re-shaped (or broken to mend) if acceleration is the theme. Although, this seems even more magnified with venus and Uranus also in taurus. Mars square Ceres (t-square with neptune) in this context seems to me that although a necessary facing of naked realities surfaces, the trine to the south node and Saturn makes the case more to not sinking unnecessarily and in a symbolic way take opportunity to say goodbye to whatever is ending and welcome the new spring season (at least in the northern hemisphere).
It worries me of course that in the context of the current war this is directly impacting on Ukraine president with mars at 0 Leo. Praying on the protection of his soul and the people of Ukraine. May this usher a new time of freedom and liberation for all.
May Goddess Bless,
Hi Rad, Helena and all,
I have been thinking about this transit quite a bit and we are indeed living in very interesting times. Whilst looking at this chart myself I saw that the NN of Chiron Rx is at 3 degrees Scorpio conjunct the SN of the Moon and therefore also squaring Pluto in Aquarius and I feel this is pointing us on a collective level to purge ourselves from our past, where we have seen our power taken away from us because we believed we had no other choice. The resolution node here is the SN of the Moon in Scorpio, so again pointing us back to look at our Soul journey and desires and to take our power back.
With the NN of the Moon in Taurus, the way forward is to simplify and ultimately see that this earthly journey is a way back to Source. Saturn in Pisces will also be conjunct the asteroid Lucifer, the bearer of light, and we can either choose to see our oneness or become disillusioned with life. Everything is but a choice. With transiting Mars in Gemini quintile the transiting Chiron and Jupiter in Aries in a crescent phase, I see this transit as a calling for all of us to go within and figure out our core truth, who we really are and what we are here to achieve. What is our Soul purpose, individually and collectively?
The Nodes of the Moon are also at a stationary point at the time Pluto goes into Aquarius, and we know in EA that anything at a stationary point is a magnifying force and the timing of this is not a coincidence! Like you said Rad, "the root of this chart, Pluto in Aquarius, demands making those involutionary/evolutionary choices for the whole of humanity"; we all need to remember and see the bigger picture of life, where sharing/caring/inclusion is our natural way of being.
Love and light to you all,
What a snapshot! One thing that comes to mind (and please correct me if I'm wrong) is the last node to pass Pluto which would be So. Node in Scorpio (stationery), conjunct Chiron No. Node. It seems to me that we are poised with the, collective, opportunity to, consciously (or sub-consciously), begin to let go of the need to manipulate or control, in our own way, or in groups. This suggests, to me, that many of us are in a process of re-wiring our minds in order to access new information and the inherent possibilities that collective cooperation may bring. It suggests that, for those who wish to, this is a grand opportunity to re-awaken the long-term memory and decide to cast off feelings of the need to dominate or control others in order to survive. The So. Node is applying pressure to the No. Node of Chiron, Rx, suggesting that letting go of the false need for power over others, or situations, may actually be revelatory, strengthening, and transformative (and that personal power comes from within). The ruling planet of the So. Node is Pluto in Aquarius, square the nodes. It seems as if there is a rare opportunity for the spiritually-minded to relinquish control over others, born of fear, in order to face and heal past-life trauma that has affected the current life. These traumas would most likely be of a psychological or emotional nature, and we are being given a great gift to address them and to heal at the soul level, and to rediscover our current lifes' purpose, our spark of the Divine, what is truly essential, and our own, innate, creative, abilities (polarity point in Leo).
The possibility for benevolent, democratic, leadership seems to be strengthening as each person chooses to individuate and liberate from that which no longer serves them (Venus rules No. Node conjunct Uranus in Taurus which is leading and catalyzing this No. Node stellium). Indeed, our very personal survival, and that of our species, may depend on the choices that we begin to form regarding the need to convince and convert others to our point-of-view vs. the right of every individual in society to seek to spiritualize and align with Source in their own way. With the collective Pluto polarity point hurdling toward Leo, it appears that we are being handed a cosmic opportunity to learn to act and relate from our heart, and give others the same allowance - that this is the higher perspective. It's interesting that the Pluto polarity point is transiting toward Neptune's No. Node in Leo (Rx), which speaks to the concept that generosity and transparency will always serve the greater good better than imbalance and secrecy, and that all of Nature, no matter how harsh, understands a language of the heart. Pluto represents the cycle of life, and it seems as though the polarity point is showing us the way toward Universal Truths that may be ingrained upon the heart in the here and now, to optimize the quality of life on earth, and that have the capacity to awaken and evolve our very DNA into new creatures, with better, vestigial, memory of why we incarnated here in the first place.
Interesting, too, that the Moon is completely conjunct (and applying pressure to) Chiron's So. Node in Aries., bringing awareness to the need to no longer seek emotional security outside of oneself, and granting oneself permission to let go of out-dated mind-sets and to, daily, question what we really believe in (ruler of Moon is Mars in Gemini conjunct Jupiter No. Node - new pathways in the brain). This, very notable, moon is heightening new, instinctual, awareness of our shared heritage under father/mother God, sextiled by Saturn in boundless Pisces. Are we being given a brief remembrance (stationing Nodes in the axis of survival and procreation) of common, ancient, memory when Nature was God? (Those nodes are transiting to a cardinal axis.)
Visually, have you noticed (as of 3.17.22) that Venus has been parallel to Jupiter ever since their conjunction in Aries, for the past two weeks? It's spectacular - they trail the path of the sun after dark, and this is all that the ancients had to go by - symbolism, not deduction - and if nothing else, they grab our attention and make us wonder ... are the gods trying to infuse something upon us? Are they trying to awaken memory to the non-verbal signs and wonders all around us? Today, bold Venus has ingressed to Taurus, expanding the will to think for oneself, and strengthening the resolve to stick it out, down here, and survive through sheer instinct and 'the will to procreate' (however defined), to be responsible, and live life deliberately - as if it mattered - what a concept!
All this as Pluto begins its inevitable journey into Aquarius in just a few short days, leaving the protective territory of its' So. Node in Capricorn, and dipping into the limitless shores of Neptunes' own So. Node in Aquarius. Will we experience dreams and revelation from shared Atlantean memory? (The Northern Lights are stirring). Are we coming to remember how the demise of Atlantis was brought about by the misuse of Natural and Spiritual Laws (so similar to today)? Is it starting to sink in (no pun intended) that we are our brothers' keeper, and that what we do to the earth, we do to our bodies? With Saturn in Pisces, sextiling this new Moon in Aries, conjunct the No. Node, are we coming to perceive the breath and dance of of Gaia's heartbeat, and the watchful eye of our sky father, as in 'primitive' times? As Jeffrey so aptly put it, “... there will be a gradual lessening of man-made law and, a progressive embracing of Natural Law, as we come to recognize the truth of Gaia – that there exists absolute inter-relationship between all forms of realities …” – Jeffrey Wolf Green (on ‘Planetary Nodes’), May we begin to, individually, awaken to the natural involution, at the end of the Piscean Age, where we allow ourselves to ponder the enigma that " ...We don't have to suffer to be spiritual". If so, what a startling day that will be when we enter the shared dream (of Saturn in Pisces) and walk out our door, wondering if love of self and all of creation will (and will always) sustain our souls. I think if the stars could talk, they'd remind us of our inner compass - that in these very uncertain times, no matter how unsure ... continue ...
I noticed you created a chart the actual first moment that Pluto entered Aquarius. Since Pluto moves so slowly, it remains at the 0 degrees for about 22 hours.
So my question becomes, in your opinion does that first moment have a greater weight of what the 0 degrees Aquarius is about. So as to say this describes or is the basis of what is to come--like an overview? And with the time that follows at 0 degrees then give more body to the initial intent--like filling in the spaces?