Okay so i am trying to understand the Pluto polarity point and north node at the moment and how it plays out in an individuals life. Jeffrey gave the example of Pluto in 9th house, south node in 7th and how this created a dependance on external teachers in previous lives. And with polarity in the 3rd and north node in the 1st house, this individual will question teachers and find their own inner well of knowledge and answer their own questions, forming their own voice. So, with this in mind, i want to use my own chart for the sake of better understanding. I have pluto in 10th, south node in 11th, polarity point in 4th, north node in 5th. I am going to assume this creates the following dynamic but i really am not sure....A transition from dependance/actualising desires of the 10th house (public image, reputation and career) via social groups, organisations and connections (11th) to understanding the self through 4th house (emotions, self image not based on outer achievement or social standing, emotional body, sense of security ect...) and actualising it through 5th house north node (creative self expression, following own desires ect...)
Does that make sense?
At this point I need to remind you of one of the policies of this message board:
Posting Charts
This is not a place to seek insight in your personal chart or receive any kind of personal guidance/therapy. Personal charts can at times be shared when it is in service to learning. Please use your discernment to know where you are coming from. If you are unsure if it’s appropriate, ask.
I will say right now that the dynamics you have identified relative to Pluto and it's Nodes in your own chart are correct.
Please do not ask about your own chart in the future.
God Bless, Rad