Hello All,
I would love to start a thread where we go over any questions relating to the planetary nodes. This is a vast subject and one that I am particularly fascinated with. I feel the planetary nodes just expand on the knowledge that is held within the archetypes of that planet and of the chart as a whole for that soul.
I actually have a question myself pertaining to this subject. Recently I have been looking at charts with the planetary nodes included more often. My question relates to what does it mean when you see a planet conjunct their own North Node, does this mean that this soul has been working on those dynamics prior to this lifetime and that they should continue on? Also, what if this person's lunar south node is ruled by that planet? Is this similar to when a node's planetary ruler is conjunct it? What rules apply in the JWG method of interpreting this?
Thanks and much love,
Hi Jordyn,
Just thought I'd post these links so that anyone reading can study all the existing material that has already been posted on planetary nodes.
I recall at least once in the old message board that we did a long series of practices with various charts. Here's what I found in a quick search and I suggest anyone who wants to learn more spend some time with these.
Page 15 of a long thread - Maria Montessori I imagine there are many other charts in this thread as well.
The use and function of Planetary Nodes - by Jeffrey Wolf Green
Another practice thread that includes the chart of Joan of Arc
And on YouTube - 2 talks on planetary nodes:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MgKwINCZ70&feature=youtu.be
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA9jXbLfBgo
Hi Jordyn,
On the old message board there is an existing thread on the Planetary Nodes that has extensive information about this. Go to this link and type in 'planetary nodes' in the search bar or tab and click on in the options 'show results as messages'.
I actually have a question myself pertaining to this subject. Recently I have been looking at charts with the planetary nodes included more often. My question relates to what does it mean when you see a planet conjunct their own North Node, does this mean that this soul has been working on those dynamics prior to this lifetime and that they should continue on?
Also, what if this person's lunar south node is ruled by that planet? Is this similar to when a node's planetary ruler is conjunct it? What rules apply in the JWG method of interpreting this?
If the planet is conjunct the Lunar S.Node it means the egocentric structure created by the Soul it means the Soul is bringing forwards into the current life the dynamics symbolized by the past, the house, sign, and aspects to it, into the current life for it's ongoing evolutionary and karmic purposes. The Soul and it's egocentric structure feels the pull of the past that continues to condition it's on going evolution in every moment of it's current life.
If it is conjunct the Lunar North Node it means the Soul has been desiring to accelerate it's evolutionary progression relative to the house/sign/ and aspects to it prior to the current life and intends to continue to do so in the context of the current life. The Soul and it's egocentric structure feels the pull of the future conditioning it's ongoing evolution in every moment of it's current life.
God Bless, Rad
Hey Ari - is there a way to run a search on the old message board? I don't see an option to.
Further to your suggestion of starting a thread, following the lecture on Pluto's nodes I noticed that Pluto's NN is at the midpoint of my natal Moon (18Leo26) and MC 19Gemini07). I can't find an ephemeris of Pluto's Nodes (maybe there isn't one), but since I was born in 1946 I figure the midpoint between these two points is about 19Cancer16, which using either Placidus, Porphory or equal house is at the end of my 10th house near the 11th house cusp. Is using midpoints to interpret the individual effect of Pluto's nodes too narrow an endeavor? I could certainly come up with an interpretation of my family and career lives being akin to an emotional roller coaster, with many changes and identity transformations, and use this midpoint as evidence of confirmation. But, I'd like to know if this particular midpoint approach is a reach, since there is other evidence in my chart of a similar nature (e.g. Moon conjunct Pluto and Uranus at the MC). Has anyone in the group used midpoints in interpreting the individual meaning of Pluto's nodes?