In regards to Pluto conjunct the North Node exception (since there is no polarity point, and the soul's intention is to continue working on the evolutionary intent of the sign/house where Pluto is placed) - would it be correct to assume that the South Node in this circumstance corresponds to how the soul acutalized this intention of that Pluto in the past, and now the North Node how it will actualize that Pluto in the present life/future?). Thank you all for your guidance!
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Hi Natasha,
Yes, as you have stated Pluto conjunct the North Node symbolizes that the Soul have worked to actualize the evolutionary intentions reflected by the house and sign of Pluto/NN conjunction prior to the current life and is meant to continue in that directi0n. This is why Pluto/NN becomes a funnel through which the current life's intentions are actualized with the planetary ruler of the NN facilitating the process.
The same rules still apply in terms of the South Node and it's planetary ruler reflecting the dynamics that the Soul has brought forward from the evolutionary past. Does this answer your question?
Hello Natasha and Deva,
If I may ask a follow up question:
When Pluto and the North Node are conjunct, however they either fall in different signs or different houses (there's an interception), do we still apply this exception rule, and in what way?
Many blessings,
Hi Polina,
Yes, if Pluto and the North Node are conjunct by orb but in different houses or signs you apply the same principles as Pluto/NN conjunction. The current life's intentions are symbolized by Pluto's house/sign placement and/NN house/ sign placement.
Thank you so much for clarifying that Deva.
Would you say then that where the conjunction is happening in the same house but different signs, the underlying desire-nature of the Soul indicated by the house placement has been explored /attempted to be achieved in past lives, through the two archetypes correlated to the different signs occupied by Pluto and the NN?
Whereas, where the conjunction is happening in two different houses, in the same sign, that there has been a 'dual' focus/ desire nature for the Soul, in what the Soul wishes to cultivate, evolve through?
Do we then look to the phasal relationship of Pluto and the NN, to determine what is culminating or initiating?
Or...have I made this too complicated?
Many blessings,
Hi Polina,
The key in both cases is to synthesize the house/sign placement of Pluto/NN conjunction to determine the current life's intentions. Remember that the house comes first, and then the sign. This is because the house "conditions" the sign. Again, the planetary ruler of the NN facilitates the process of actualizing these intentions.
If the Pluto/ NN conjunction are in a balsamic phase the intentions symbolized by Pluto/NN conjunction are in a state of culmination/completion. If it is in a new phase, then the intentions reflected by Pluto/NN have just begun and are new.
Hello Deva, and thank you so much for your time and for clarifying!
Would it be accurate then to say that this type of signature indicates that the Soul is in the process of aligning the emerging self-image/Ego, with Soul-consciousness?
I can appreciate that, even if this is the case, it can be reflected in a variety of ways, depending also on the conjunction being new or balsamic, as well as the evolutionary state the person is in.
Many blessings,
Deva, thank you for all your clarifications.
Just to chime in here - this does not indicate that implicitly on it's own. At least no more than any other soul and their own agency to resist or cooperate with evolution.
Yes, souls in all kinds of evolutionary conditions as well as states of resistance or cooperation can manifest this signature. However the balsamic or new phases will not speak to the alignment of the self-image with the soul in any special way. The Pluto phase to the NN refers to the amount of time an evolutionary process has been underway - and each phase has its own archetypal meaning and purpose.
Here's a thread that addresses phases to the NN (and there are many more gems on this topic if you search around on the old MB),1519.msg69345.html#msg69345
Hello Ari, and thank you for chiming in!
I guess what I was trying to figure out -which I understand can seem tedious - is the symbolism of Pluto conjunct NN, as a means to answer: "why the exception?". In attempting to follow the trail of interpretations, Pluto correlating to Soul-desires and the NN to the emerging self-image/modes of operation, it made sense to me to say that the exception is in place because in a "conjunction", the implication is that these corresponding dynamics (Pluto-NN), are working in tandem, in some way.
I did not mean to imply that we can determine whether the person themselves is more aware of their Soul, or that we can determine their level of cooperation/resistance to evolutionary necessity based on this signature. Only perhaps that there might be, by way of conjunction, an inherent tendency/attraction-repulsion towards the day-to-day means of integrating Soul-desires/Pluto into the life, through the emerging self-image/NN.
The one thing I can say for that I over-Virgo-ed.
In any case, thank you both so much for taking the time to engage with my questions.