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JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers
Forum Posts
Brooke N.
Jan 06, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Hello Rad and community!
I heard an EA astrologer refer to natal Pluto in the 12th as representing one big ego death, throughout the soul's lifetime.
I'm curious if someone can explain more of what this means to me.
Thank you!
Brooke N.
Jul 10, 2023
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Hello! I would love to learn more about how denial, repression, and suppression show up in the chart.
Thank you. 🙏
Brooke N.
Jan 02, 2023
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
JWG said that the best way to move through the second spiritual stage of evolution was to do it as quickly as possible.
I’m curious what that actually entails/looks like, and how a Soul can move through that stage quickly.
Thank you so much!
Brooke N.
Dec 07, 2022
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Hi Everyone! I spoke with Deva and Ari about this and Ari suggested I share the question here, so that we can all learn together.
I am curious about 3rd stage spiritual souls and sex. It appears to me as though many 3rd stage spiritual souls do not have partners or do not engage in sex. I recently read that Anandamayi Ma was in a celibate marriage, and that whenever her husband would have thoughts of wanting to be physically intimate with her, she would take on the image of death. Is sex connected to previous levels of evolution because it includes desire/pleasure? Is sex not part of 3rd stage spiritual because the only desire there is to be with God? Deva and Ari shared that souls naturally evolve into a state of celibacy. Deva also shared that “there is a natural progression towards this state where the Soul looses the need to be sexual,” and that, from her understanding, “There is a progression of how sexual energy is used and the sexual orientation/values of the Soul relative to evolutionary state.” If there is anything else anyone feels called to share, I would love to hear. Thank you!
Brooke N.
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