I am reading about the sun being a skipped step. It seems to say that in this life one has to be careful in order not to create skipped steps.
I am wondering, if it could be accurate to say, that one has a special purpose in this life, which may be one that they don’t necessarily want to do. And by not fulfilling it, they may create a skipped step
Could this be possible?
Hi Dominika,
According to my understanding , the special purpose in this case IS their evolutionary purpose, which they are at the risk of not actualizing. So the Sun becomes the purpose to actualize and fulfill the core EA dynamics of the chart itself: Nodes and rulers, Pluto aspects and of course the Sun squaring the nodes highlighting the specific way in which this purpose needs to be actualized. In other words the core EA dynamics of the chart are directly integrated with the Sun archetype: how the soul will give purpose to and creatively actualize their soul-level reason for incarnation in the first place.
Here are some quotes from the EA glossary to help us understand this better. The parts in bold are mine to emphasize where I feel your question is being answered. In particular this quote, "this imbalance [of the nodes] needs to be given a current life purpose, Sun, in order to make the choices leading to a balancing of those existing imbalances so that they do not become ‘skipped steps’ in the life(s) following the current life".
Wow this is so thorough! Thank you so much
I am going to try to articulate what I know of the above and the sun in my own words and hopefully I understand it but if I don’t then maybe you can see where I’m going wrong.
The sun is the most conscious part of us. It’s the part that is processing and integrating the information from within and from the outer world in order to create a person that creates a certain life. How it’s doing this is given by the sign it’s in. The aspects house etc will give even more clues into how this is done,
When the sun is a skipped step it means that the soul has been trying to fast track and tended to try to create a life through the SN energy instead of both which created an imbalance. Possibly through multiple lifetimes and so this sun skipped step is now a warning to make sure to integrate the balance of the SN and NN into the life it creates or becomes.
I’m going to present my own guess into why the sun is the only skipped step that doesn’t give a past life meaning like the others do. Example moon is the emotional memory carried into this life. The sun is more of a warning than an actual past life if you know what I mean?
I think this is because the sun seems more present than other planetary bodies. It is how we integrate now. Maybe how we integrated in prior lives isn’t important to know as it’s not carried forward. How we integrate is how we integrate now in this life and not in previous lives. So the sun as a skipped step is more about how we integrate now and to make sure we balance our SN NN.
To do this we must look at the axis of the SN NN and equally balance it. We also have to look at the sign house and aspects of each node.
Did I understand this correctly?
And if this is intercepted but the sun is obviously making an aspect would this mean we don’t really look at it? Because if the interception has an aspects it’s something the soul is kind of hiding from consciousness in order to focus on other thing. Whereas if there wasn’t an aspect we would need to build on it? Or is there an exception for the nodes w a skipped step.
I’m very nervous about putting my understanding out there but here it goes! 😅
Hi Dominkas,
I just wanted to respond to let you know that I plan to catch up here on this forum tomorrow afternoon and will respond to you then. Looking very forward to it.
Hi Dominikas,
I'm personally not so sure about "processing and integrating" in the way you describe it as to me is more of a moon thing: emotional integration and how we develop a sense of self. Sun is creative actualization: our purpose, how we are inhaibiting our unique purpose for being here as a unique soul with a specific mission. It is how we give meaning and purpose and LIFE to the entirety of our current life evolutionary journey.
The impending of a skipped step isn't just because the SN was a point of overfocus (for this alone can just correspond to re-live dynamics of planets on the sn), but because of a lack of emotional integration by way of the soul attempting to evolve forward (NN) but not having appropriately dealt with the past. Thus leading to the flip flop pattern but perpetually unresovled ...
Again quoting Rad as above:
...When the Sun is squaring the Nodal Axis this will mean, typically, that the Soul has been trying to skip ahead prior to the current life relative to the full development of all the dynamics/archetypes of the South Node, its planetary ruler, and all the aspects that connect to them. In other words a temptation to do so that has not yet manifested a purposeful decision/choice to ignore whatever the dynamics/archetypes are. It is because of that existing temptation that the Soul then creates a life in which it chooses to create this signature of the Sun squaring the Nodes. In essence, it is like the Soul giving itself a ‘warning.’ This is why, then, both Nodes, the entire signature of, must be equally developed with the natural Pluto polarity point leading the way. (Rad)
Since it is how we creativly actualize and give creative meaning/purpose to the entirety of our incarnation IN THIS LIFETIME, the Sun square is going to place a strong focus on resolving the dynamics of the nodes. Our sense of confidence and clarity of purpose is dependent entirely upon this resolution.
With some tweaks, yes, and there is a need for clarification. My intuition is to clarify that while it does not correspond to a skipped step, it is still a karmic dynamic brought forward from the past that needs to be resolved. The Sun is by its nature current life oriented. And so we read this as the soul's current life purpose: how the soul is giving creative meaning and purpose to their incarnation is by way of working out that square dynamic. We can appropriately apply the Sun archetype to this: there needs to be a courage, entilement to create, clarity of purpose and confidence in one's self in order to acheive this.
And why is that important? So that the soul can give appropriate focus to resolve the dynmaics they have set in motion and get on with their evolution.
To repeat what I wrote above: the special purpose in this case IS their evolutionary purpose, which they are at the risk of not actualizing. So the Sun becomes the purpose to actualize and fulfill the core EA dynamics of the chart itself: Nodes and rulers, Pluto aspects and of course the Sun squaring the nodes highlighting the specific way in which this purpose needs to be actualized. In other words the core EA dynamics of the chart are directly integrated with the Sun archetype: how the soul will give purpose to and creatively actualize their soul-level reason for incarnation in the first place.
Note too that there is no difference in terms of technique between the Sun and other planets in a square to the nodes. In both cases there is evolutionary work needed and the same technique applies to working out the square dynamics.
Example, over-simplied to make a point: Virgo Sun square Sag SN Gemini NN. Resolution node being the Gemini node. This would speak to issues of self-doubt/inferiority and thus lack of confidence to tend to the work one needs to do. In the past there would have been issues of jumping to skills and knoweldge the soul didn't profess (Virgo relative to Gemini NN) but maybe understood intuitively (Sag SN) leading to then avoiding the necessity to learn new skills and improve oneself (Virgo relative to Gemini NN) but then making mistakes/ overly generalizing/ going too far and neglecting where efforts and improvements are needed (Virgo relative to Sag SN). This leads to the Sun in Virgo giving strong focus to a life of self-imporvement and development of intense inner awareness of one's purpose: what they are doing and what needs improvement. The key is to take the steps forward and fuflill one's function regardless of how insuficient one feels from within themself.
The same teaching applies whether or not the Sun square the nodes is intercepted. Interception will just mean something within the context of the square, but it doesn't change the core teachings about the square that JWG brought forward.
Thank you for your efforts Dominikas
Hi Ari, Im very sorry it took so long to reply.
Thank you so much for this in depth response.
I definitely didn’t mean it in just the moon way. And so I am confused why this miscommunication happen on my part. The sun integrates all the planets is what i understood from JwG, moon included. But I think when i mentioned inner world it sounded like moon where I meant “moon included”. I am trying to be clear in my questions but I think I still need to work on “Evolutionary astrological terminologies and definitions” and speaking the symbols in my mind.
I thank you for your patience.
I had to look up the def for purpose because I get stuck on it every time someone mentions the sun and purpose.
“The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc”
The reason why we are here. Is that how EA sees the sun?
My understanding is most ppl don’t know why they are here. And what’s confusing to me is that the souls desire is(to me) more the reason why we are here. That’s why the sun being the most conscious part of us made the most sense, especially w the word “creative”. The word creative has many meanings as well. Which one is the most EA? Creative self actualization. Creative can mean thinking outside the box or making something. In esoteric studies it may mean manifestation/creation.
It’s hard because every time I ask a question I realize more things I don’t yet know or understand and I really don’t want to bother anyone on here.
I took "how we give meaning to things through sun", as JWG had said, which is: example through pisces as spiritually, or sag philosophically. Which to me means that’s the lens we see things through. How we integrate, but what is the process of integration?? is it emotional or intellectual? How our mind processes it? How we perceive it? But That starts to sound very sag so I don’t think I understand. What is the process of giving meaning to something, i realize now that maybe this is personal to each person, but Im sure EA has a great definition.
You had said “how we inhabit our unique purpose". Its hard to understand because Im not sure I know my purpose yet. I am a pisces and I do have a very spiritual way of processing this world and my actions. But I think its very internal. Then I try to observe (in order to understand) and I’m not sure if I see people living their sun in that way. I do of course have to remember that their sun is in a house and could have aspects.. so observation will only get me so far. So i have to ask: what do you mean?
To me, our beliefs systems and perception (sag) also give meaning . In which way does the sun give meaning (so I can separate it from the sag way I had mentioned).
I have pluto transiting near the end of my fifth house and it felt more like for the first time I was creating a life for myself through figuring out who i am. So is the sun who we are, our human identity? Is it the place where we create from or the creation itself? Or is that the same thing, one stemming from the other.
Your SN NN integration comment: So if we don’t integrate the nn properly therefore balancing the two nodes, we will come back w a sun square the nodes? And if someone has the sun square the nodes, we can counsel the person on how to integrate the NN whilst using the SN in a more balanced way? I hope I got that because it makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
Also: does this manifest somehow in the human life, the sun squaring the nodes to help the person realize? or is the only way to see it is in the chart therefore those who don’t see their chart won’t know? Is there a way to check this through observation? You had mentioned confidence, maybe looking at our insecurities will help us find clarity in our purpose (reason why we are here)?
Your intuition was correct and I appreciate the clarification. The sun itself does not share light on past life dynamics, but more so emphasizes the need to balance the moons nodes. But it does mean that the person in a past life (or lives) didn’t balance them and so needs to in this life.
So indirectly it does still point to a need to rectify something that wasn’t done in the past.
I’m now wondering if all the planets square the nodes utilize this balancing need. Makes sense as JWG said that we evolve through our emotional body, which I loved so much.
As you said we need the (SUN) courage, entilement to create, clarity of purpose and confidence in one's self to execute this square.. I can see the nuance here now! It’s so subtle but I think I get it and also how all the other skipped steps relate. I think I’m still missing a little click, bt I know this info with practice will solidify. Thank you!
“The sun becomes the purpose to actualize the EA dynamic”, this is still confusing for me and i think it because of my first questions above. With those, I will reread and I think it’ll make sense. The diff btw the souls purpose and suns purpose is confusing. I am reading it as (in relation to the sun squaring the nodes) the purpose is to balance the moon’s nodal dynamic in order to fulfill the other purpose which is pluto.
Is this correct: resolution node is closer to the skipped step planet, right?
To make sure again that I got it: Any skipped step planet means that energy that the planet carries wasn’t done in a past life (except sun which just highlights the nodal axis) and so its important to rectify in this lifetime. Do we have to balance the moons nodes always and then resolve the resolution node or we only focus on the resolution node?
"Our sense of confidence and clarity of purpose is dependent entirely upon this resolution.” this sentence is a tough tone for me. So if one doesn’t resolve the sun skipped step, they risk being left insecure and unable to see their purpose. I think this makes a lot of sense actually!
how the soul will give purpose to and creatively actualize their soul-level reason for incarnation in the first place.
This sentence I think will make more sense (to me) once I get clarity on the words creatively and purpose. could you give an example? I just have trouble synthesizing the words to actual action in human life. how would a soul w pisces sun give purpose and creatively actualize their soul-level reason for incarnation? The latter soul-level meaning pluto right?
I think once I receive clarity on my first question (purpose creativity etc) I’ll be able to internalize this information. It’s one thing to understand intellectually but then I have trouble picturing it actualize/manifest.
I am reading your example (virgo sun, gemini NN) and I will need more time to process it . I have saved it on my phone.
Again thank you so much Ari
I think you understand this more than you might think. You are right in the sense that "purpose" can be used in many contexts. Ultiamtely the soul's purpose here is for evolution, and that is a Pluto thing. When we use the word "purpose" relative to the Sun we are speaking to the way the soul is giving creative meaning/ actualitiy (making real and alive) the fact of its unique existance in this incarnation. We all have a purpose to actualize that is relevant to the deeper why of being here in the first place.
I think you intuitively grasp this. Look no further than the idea that all planets orbit around the Sun. The solar system itself is a part of a larger cycle and so forth. We are each creative beings and create while we are in this world. This also mirrors our relaitonship with our creator. We create and celebrate creation just as we ourselves ARE created and thus our very existance points to our creator: that which we did not create but created us. We all need to be connected to this essential creative principal and capacity within us which is how we give life and meianing to our lives.
Meaning here is different than Sag in the sense that we are not interpreting what something means on a philosophical level. Different than Pisces in the sense this is not about some kind of existential ultimate or universal meaning. Meaning here is to say "this is my life, this is the way/how I am inhabiting my existance. This is how I am actualizing the fact of my being here in a unique and creative way."
I don't know. Too many factors and possibilities for me to postulate a general rule. I lack that level of soul perception.
Yes. One of the nodes will still be the resolution node. And working with the resolution, regarldess of whether it is the NN or SN is the key in removing the obstacles to evolution, thus being able to continue to grow via the NN.
Of coruse it's not necessary to know one's chart in order to resolve the soul dynamics that the chart signatures imply. People who have this square can still work to resolve it without any knowledge of having that square. Yes it can relate to issues of confidence, but this alone won't imply a Sun square the nodes unless the Sun is actually squaring the nodes.
Yes and remember, even though Sun correlates to current life, it also speaks to unresolved karmic dynamics that are being worked on in the current life - otherwise it wouldn't be in a square to the nodes. So it's not just about working out the lunar nodes, it's also integrating the Sun archetype with the nodes.
I strongly suggest reviewing the teachings on resolution node. There's a lot of information out there including q and on on this thread and in the archives. There's also this talk I recently gave explaining JWG's teachings on resolution node. I think it's a very accessible class: https://arimoshe.com/planets-that-square-the-nodes-intro-class-replay/
Regarding trying to understand what a Sun in Pisces means in terms of purpose. Take some time to contemplate that. Perhaps use my example of Virgo Sun as a counter point for reflection. Feel free to work at it more after you've taken more time to properly learn about the resolution node. I'm happy to continue to support you as you put in effort towards your studies.
Hi all, I’m loving this thread. I have my Sun square my lunar nodes in my own natal chart, so I’ve pondered on this for some time.
If I could ask for some feedback on my own understanding, and some patience with my having to expand first with some points that are very basic and foundational to many here!
Pluto and its polarity point represent the bottom line evolutionary program. Pluto by house and sign placement reflects a point of evolutionary stagnancy. That is, where the soul has limitations that need to be overcome for the purpose of continuing to evolve. Development of the polarity point signature is what will allow that to occur. By embracing the polarity point, the soul is able to evolve the Pluto placement and move forward.
The entire natal chart is configured by the soul to allow for the polarity point evolutionary intent to be fulfilled-planetary placements, house and sign configurations, aspects, everything!
The planets are functions of consciousness, with Pluto itself representing the function of desire, which is the very determinant of us incarnating in the first place. Desire > fulfilment of desire > desire > fulfilment of desire, etc etc, until the only desire left is to merge with source.
The other planets are exactly the same, in that they reflect a function of consciousness. I understand the Sun to represent the function of consciousness that gives meaning to this current lifetime, in the sense that it’s about that very will to be alive. What is it that you’re living for? What is the point, what is your focus? I think of it like a guiding light, paving the path that is this lifetime.
With all this said, I understand the sun square lunar node signature as a reflection that the soul has chosen to make the integration of the nodal axis dynamics the core focus for this lifetime. This makes the task unavoidable, as not integrating the axis causes the ego to have a weakened will to live and gives the life overall, a lack of meaning/purpose.
If I could share here a little about my Sun in the 11th in Pisces square my SN in 3rd and NN in 9th…this has manifested as an intense focus on finding my place in groups and friendships. My individuality and social integration has always been a core theme in my life-from experiences of being severely bullied in my youth, to struggling with friendships and group activities in adulthood. My emotional conundrum in this has always been about communication, self-expression, and simultaneously craving and fearing sharing my truth due to feelings of inadequacy.
I will leave it there to respect the group rules but thanks for reading and I look forward to some feedback!
Thanks Ari, I am still stuck on the part about the su and creativity but I just read it so I will reflect back a bunch of times and hopefully something will click. Thanks again for taking the time with this thread
Wow Lou thanks so much for sharing. I resonate with you on so many points. One thing you said really clicked about the will being weakened. I feel like I’m getting closer.
I loved how you shared your personal info as well, it made me realize I can ask questions using my own chart findings (I hope this is accurate). Not sure why I don’t.. I wonder if this is why I’m having so many issues with the sun. Not only is my sun square the nodes, it’s also intercepted and square Neptune 😅. Since Pluto is transiting my fifth I’m really needing to find clarity with this conundrum. The only thing I found that deeply resonated was that the sun is the conscious part of us that creates (as an action) or manifests a life from a place of who we are (as in our self actualized self). But it seems to conflict somehow with Aria definition or maybe I haven’t understood it yet. I’m frustrated because he’s doing a great job explaining, I’m just blocked from seeing it and I’m trying to find out where the block is in my perception or knowledge of definitions.
But what about the “creative” part. Physical manifestation (creation)
Lou, everything you wrote about explaining the basics EA paradigm is very accruate and well said with a couple corrections
I would just correct/ refine that it's not always about desire being fulfilled. Exhausion is a more accurate term. Evolution doens't necessitate that we have to literally fulfill every desire we have, but it has to be worked through and ultiamtely exhausted.
The first part you said is generally true, but the second part applies more strongly to the Pisces Sun example you gave. In other words, Sun square the nodes is not always going to imply a weakened will to live or a lack of overall meaning/purpose.
For example, to overly generalize, the Sun in Aries in the 1st house squaring the Capricorn 10th SN, Cancer 4th NN can speak to issues of misuse of will and a lack of emotional maturity/ overly self-focused. Like a child dictator in an adult body that demands they get what they want, highly emotionally reactive. So unresolved and non-integrated issues with the Capricorn Cancer nodal axis. This leads to a need for the soul to learn how to embrace their individual purpose constructively, with self-awareness of the affects of their actions etc (Sun in Aries relative to Capricorn SN as resolution node). Thier life becomes focalized on learning how to live the Aries 1st house purpose in a way that heals/properly corrects the imbalance of the nodes.
This could of course be resisted and it can be easily reflected in a life of high volititiy and narcisissm.
Yoru statement is true. Not sure what I said that seemed to imply it is not. Perhaps I got too nuanced with words which isn't always helpful or even necessary? What is important is that you grasp the essential meaning of the Sun archetype, which I feel you do. My response to Lou above will hopefully further clarify things for you.
Oh great! That’s such good news, thank you!
I’m still taking time to reflect on what you said prior.
I wanted to write about your reply to Lou and my own experience if that’s okay.
I seem to be going through the exhaustion f desires but my experience has changed my perception of it.
I thought it would be a fulfillment like Lou said but it has been more of things not ending up how I had desired them to be and so I’m losing that desire for it. It’s like I no longer want it. This is happening in a few different areas of my life.
I would say a losing of hope but that’s only a small part of it, I’m losing all interest because things are just not working out like I had hoped/imagined.
I’m interested to observe what happens in the future. Because I feel it seems to be pushing me to my PPP. Opening me up to it, I feel less resistant.
Also about Ari’s reply to Lou. That’s one thing I am thinking about too, how much of our interpretation is veiled by our own being/perception/projection/chart etc. sometimes it’s hard to find my own words with interpretation without mixing in my (example ) Pisces understanding of things. It’s hard to stay objective. I’m wondering if the answer is t truly know myself (and my chart) first so I can minus that part from the equation?
Thanks Ari for your feedback, and the example of the Sun in Aries. That really helps me understand the Sun from a more objective, rather than personal level, which is of course the aim.
From what you’ve said, I’m understanding that due to the lack of emotional integration of the entire lunar nodal axis (caused by the soul trying to skip ahead and thus not integrating the dynamics of either node), issues manifest in the area of the Sun placement. For those issues to be dealt with, integration of the entire axis needs to occur, and that integration happens through the consistent development of the resolution node dynamics. Please let me know if that’s correct.
And just a quick example for my own practice-take a Sun in Scorpio in the 10th house square SN in 7th Leo and NN in 1st Aquarius. Lack of integration has occurred in the 1st/7th axis and issues will manifest through that 10th house Sun in Scorpio relative to that axis.
So with 1st/7th, issues are related to independence/interdependence/codependence. The ability to exercise ones own will, make ones own choices, while simultaneously participating in balanced, equal and healthy relationships with others.
Sun in 10th House Scorpio relative to the 1st/7th square, can manifest as someone who needs external validation from others to feel important and validated. Someone who lacks the ability to take responsibility for themselves and the conditions of their lives, rather defaulting that to their partner/others. With Sun in Scorpio, relationship dynamics could include manipulation, financial and intimacy power struggles, and potentially even violence as a way of getting attention from/controlling others.
I hope I’m on the right track, and again, thanks for your time and feedback!
I am listening to the link you sent Ari and I just realized something. In my observation of the exhaustion I listed above, and also a friend of mine with multiple squared nodal planets I saw an exhaustion that was more disappointing and unfulfilling leading to disinterest or indifference.. but I just realized both him and I are Pisces Sun. So I’m wondering if our exhaustion is more about leading to surrender than for other suns. Maybe for Virgo it would be an exhaustion leading to self discovery or a sag sun leading to a change in belief system.. Does this sound accurate? In your observations have you seen different types of exhaustions like this? Could some of them be fulfilling to the point of excess? Could we relate the type of exhaustion experienced to a sign or planet in the chart? I’m still new so I haven’t seen enough nodal squares yet nor exhaustions