Hi All,
As it happens every so often, i was looking for another subject in the old EA message but found a precious resource spot on the times we are currently living in the world, and i am sure, spot on most of our conscious and very real problems we face as a society, the frustration and sadness many of us feel, now that pluto has fully entered Aquarius and for sure did not deliver any form of collective enlightenment but more of what it looks like collective madness projected to a point that is unbelievable.
Personally i am findind this is spot on too with a fact i see growing and growing from years now (to my initial denial, i simply could not believe it could grow more than a niche of fools) in that spirituality is currently a global umbrella term for anything from facism to any form of power as priviledge. Since EA and its founder Jeffrey Wolf Green have nothing to do with that right from its very origin, it is always good to remind it, because astrology is too becoming a tool for this so called forms of "spirituality" (one great way to spot it is the how for example is used for personal gain, monetize, promote and justify all forms of delusions, ie, political, social and so on).
So here are the wise words from an old thread back in 2010 by Steve and Rad, sort of profethic. My only thinking is, we must not loose hope but we must never loose touch with reality.
This is original thread
"(...)there are LIMITS to the creative potential within each individual, relative to overall context.
For example, if you happened to be born around 1920 in a European country, by the time you were coming of age there was a good chance your country was overrun with German soldiers. No matter how much people banded together to consciously direct God/dess energy thru then, towards an end, there were still German soldiers in their country, and those soldiers were doing unspeakable things to many people. No one in their right mind consciously asked God/dess to have German soldiers invade their country. And no matter how much people prayed they just were not going away. So why was the collective creative potential unable to will these German soldiers away?
We do not have complete capacity to create any reality we want. Everything happens within the limits of a Soul program intended for that lifetime. This exists on collective levels as well as individual levels.
(...) Martin Luther King. He was asked if he hated his enemies. His response was "I love my enemy. I hate his deeds".
How can you unconditionally love without judging people and actions who are defiling the Divine intentions of living in cooperation, sharing, and inclusion on a daily basis? That is not love, that is denial. There IS such a thing as NATURAL judgment, to simply know what is right. As Jeffrey used to say, you don't need a religion to teach you it is wrong to put your baby out to play on the Autobahn (German superhighway). And you don't need a religion to teach you that taking everything for yourself and leaving thousands and millions hungry, homes in foreclosure, jobs exported to other nations, is just WRONG. How can you love THAT? How can you love that German soldiers are invading your country, raping your women, killing your old people? Please explain how that is possible.
You can not single-handedly change the world. And you and one million friends can not single handedly change your country if thirty million other people are buying into something you consider fundamentally wrong. You are going to have to convince a whole lot of them to change their minds before you are getting very far. You think you have the answers and the right ways, but the people whose views are 180 degrees away from yours feel they have the right answers too.
So yes, there are limits to your power to change the collective, because the collective has the right and the power to reject your vision.
(...) Belief that everyone on earth, or at least millions of people, are going to suddenly wake up enlightened the day after Dec 21, 2012 is a fairy tale. Belief that all the good spiritual people are going to Ascend and be taken to some other dimension of peace love and bliss, leaving all the creepy people down here on earth stuck with the mess is a fairy tale (I call it the New Age Rapture).
There are natural laws, natural processes. These have their own workings. They are how God/dess created Creation. They don't change - they are the foundation of everything. Aligning self with them brings one set of consequences. Consistently violating them brings another set of consequences. If you eat healthy food regularly and keep in good physical shape, you are fairly likely to remain healthy. If you live on candy bars, smoke two packs a day, never exercise, you are fairly likely to have your health deteriorate. Is having your health deteriorate a punishment or a natural consequence?
The only issue about people who are "shafting us" (a phrase I never used) is that is the REASON progress is so difficult. The issue is not that people are shafting us, the issue is that human behavior is changing the environment and ecology of the planet on a biological level. Each species has evolved to function within certain climates (temperature ranges and precipitation), requires certain foods, etc. Human behavior is shifting that on a mass scale beyond anything that has ever before happened on this planet. And there are CONSEQUENCES to future generations from all of this shortsightedness.
(...) Jeffrey said many times if you looked at the Earth from outer space, the human species would look like a cancer upon the earth. A cancer is cells that are reproducing so rapidly that they literally kill the host within which they live. Thus they are committing suicide, for they too die in the process. The human species operates with complete self-granted license to do whatever it wants, completely oblivious to the rights of all other species, feeling superior to everything else and oblivious to its true nature. That is the real issue. And that is what has to change. So if you want to work for change and peace and love, something needs to be done rapidly to prevent the human species from destroying future possibilities of life on this planet.
(...)Do you understand that in reality there is no such thing as a stand alone collective? That a collective is made up of individuals? That it is the individual decisions of millions of individuals that constitute a collective - that is the essence of Consensus. It is millions and billions of of individual people who have to change their thoughts, patterns, habits, beliefs to evolve a consensus. It goes from the bottom up, not from the top down."
"A historical event that perfectly illustrates, to me, what Steve is saying is a certain phenomena that happened before the outbreak of WW2. Yogananda, among others that included very advanced Souls within the Astral Realm, tried to put their consciousness and wills together in order to prevent that War. This groups was highly, highly evolved. Yogananda even tried to visit and talk with Hitler himself. This request was of course denied. The point is that despite these herculean efforts by these very advanced Souls the War did in fact happen which of included the genocide of millions of Jews, Gypsies, and 'undesirables'. It is of course 'natural' for almost all Souls to need faith and hope in order to survive hard times. It's the nature of the human being. Without that almost any Soul will get reduced to a state of total futility, and a sense of defeat that leads to a state of hopelessness. Not to many are able to live that way. Thus, to have any sense of sanity and purpose when times become hard, and harder, the human Soul will attempt to counteract the sense of personal powerlessness, at the hands of those that are in power, by creating or inventing what they must in order to 'believe' that there must be a way out, or through, that hard time and the times ahead that can seem even harder.
And we must remember, in terms of Jesus, that he did in fact end up on the Cross, and died there. Love was not enough."
Hope this furthers EA and its true teachings in the current world we live in.