I am curious about the evolutionary progress of this composite and if anyone can explain the past lives , karma and souls purpose as a couple from these placements
2nd House (Pisces)- NN
5th House (Taurus)- Jupiter (Gem)
6th House (Gemini) -Mars , Chiron (Cancer)
7th House (Leo)-Moon (*29°leo)
8th House (Virgo)- Sun, mercury, Venus, SN
10th House(Scorpio) - Pluto
12th House(Sagittarius) Saturn(Cap), Uranus(*29°Sag), Neptune (Cap)
*All planets and SN in the 8th House are conjunct
In EA to understand correctly composite charts the EA astrologer starts with a full understanding of each individual in a relationship with one another starting with the EA paradigm in each chart. Within that the evolutionary development of each individual: consensus, individuated, or the spiritual state.
From there a full understanding of how their individual natures and evolutionary intentions interact via the synastry charts with one another which includes any prior life dynamics they have had with one another.
And, lastly, combining those individual charts into a composite chart for them which then reflects the union together as a couple: from I to we. To understand the composite chart starts with the EA paradigm within it. To take out individual composite as above in your questions is meaningless: there is no context as above to understand those components
JWG 2nd volume of Pluto is all about the relationships between individuals, and how to understand them which includes what he called relationship types.
God Bless, Rad