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EA Online Conference

The Evolutionary Astrology Online Conference ~Pluto Paradigm ~ The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, the conference will features two days of Lectures, with Core JWG EA Teachers Including Deva Green, Kristin Fontana, Ari Moshe Wolfe, Rose Marcus, Rav Chahal, Bradley Naragon, Simon Vorster, Jason Holley, Kim Marie, Laura Nalbandian, Patricia Walsh, Michelle Dench, Helena Garcia & Jordyn Smith, and Steve Wolfson & special Guest Demetra George. ALL Conference Recordings are included in the Full Conference Access.

Join the EA Online Conference

Sign up for the Full Conference Pass for $275 which includes 

Instant Access to ALL 14 Lectures & the Pluto Paradigm Workshop and Access to the Replays & Downloads of the Recordings.

Deva Green 


I am the daughter of world renowned astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green who is the founder of Evolutionary Astrology. I have immersed myself in the study of his work for many years now and have received personal instruction and teaching from him. As a result I am uniquely qualified to carry on his work, which was my father’s desire. I have written a book on Evolutionary Astrology called Pluto and Your Karmic Mission: Evolutionary Astrology, published by Llewellyn Publications. This book is a ‘how to’ book based on my father’s first book, Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul.



Pluto Paradigm 
The Evolutionary Journey
of the Soul 

The core essential teachings of Jeffrey Wolf Green are the foundation of the Pluto Paradigm. What is the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul? How is this reflected in the Natal Chart? This presentation will focus on applying the Pluto paradigm. The Pluto paradigm is the foundation of chart interpretation, and symbolizes the main evolutionary/karmic dynamic in the birth chart. This serves as the “bottom line” through which all other factors are interpreted.Understanding the Pluto paradigm is the core principle in EA. This class will focus on teaching the following:


● Applying the Pluto paradigm one step at a time. 

● How Pluto correlates to the Soul and the natural principle of evolution

● How the Pluto paradigm symbolizes the main evolutionary/karmic dynamic in the birth chart, and the foundation for chart interpretation.

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Simon Vorster is a specialist in the Evolutionary Astrology paradigm, a consultant, and an educator. His teachings are inspired by renowned figures, such as Jeffery Wolf Green, Carl Jung, and Dane Ruhyar. Drawing inspiration from his personal life as a conscious partner and parent, Simon seeks to help people navigate their emotional experiences and connect with their soul's purpose. His work focuses on supporting and empowering individuals in processing their emotional experiences.


In addition to his work as an educator and consultant, Simon runs an online Astrology School and an EA community. Alongside his partner, he shares his knowledge and insights on multiple social platforms, seeking to provide valuable resources and support to those seeking to deepen their understanding of Evolutionary Astrology.

The Evolutionary Nature of Saturn’s Transit in Pisces

In this lecture, we will explore the evolutionary intention of Saturn's transit in Pisces. Saturn correlates to the current reality as a defining archetype that also allows us to see how our soul's past and present journey meet and how it reflects the continuation of our evolution into the future. 

Simon will share how to connect to and understand the defining reality of your Soul's evolution by studying the natal house, Saturn will be transiting along with aspects Saturn will make to other planets. In addition, how Saturn is evolving through its planetary north and south nodes by studying the house and sign, the location of the planetary rulers and the aspects they are making to other planets in the natal chart. This exploration will demonstrate how Saturn's nature is evolving our individual & collective reality through the past, present and future.

Lastly, Simon will illustrate how the evolutionary cycle of Saturn in Pisces from 2023 - 2025 will manifest through collective and individual examples that are directly linked to the EA Pluto paradigm.

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Based in southern Portugal, Helena Garcia is a ceramicist with a deep passion for evolutionary astrology. She's been a regular presence at the school for many years and has co-authored with other international voices of EA the book on Natural Astrology: Houses, Signs, Planets. Her studies have deepened with the integration of the asteroids for the feminine as pathway to re-center and re-align Soul and Nature.The proposal is that we start at the root. 


Jordyn Smith is based in Oklahoma City and discovered Evolutionary Astrology during her Saturn Return. Prior to finding Evolutionary Astrology, she worked with adolescent females who struggled with mental health and addiction by utilizing creative writing to help them work through their trauma and addictions. Jordyn also spent her time speaking at the local YWCA to bring more awareness about the realities of domestic violence, which included being instrumental in getting a bill passed in Oklahoma that supports women and their parental rights. Jordyn has been utilizing Evolutionary Astrology to counsel clients for the past three years. She also has been teaching Evolutionary Astrology in the Oklahoma City metro area since 2021 in hopes to help others reconnect with their most natural and authentic selves by helping them to listen to their inner voice as opposed to making choices linked with their conditioning. She teaches on sexuality and trauma within the natal chart as it is an area she is passionate about helping others heal within themselves. Jordyn has also taught many classes on Oklahoma’s history by utilizing Evolutionary Astrology to bring awareness to the dynamics that are held within the collective of where she lives.

Asteroid Lilith in the natal chart: The Root of our Soul

Lilith has been an archetype whose mystery we’ve been unraveling at the same pace as the collective conscious evolves to integrate the natural and undistorted expression of its feminine, masculine and androgynous natures.  

In this talk we will be looking at the asteroid Lilith as Root Center of the soul and protectress of our innermost sacred core, how Lilith as an archetype evokes the origins and fingerprint of the soul as made by Source, uncorrupted by the journey of evolution.


In the myth Lilith was the original woman before Eve, she was Adam’s first consort and refused to lie beneath him, so she flew into the night in a fiery rage never to return again. 


Lilith reflects the pure undistorted feminine and how a woman is created by God. In a man’s chart Lilith represents the ideal image of a woman that a man has. 

The asteroid Lilith is a physical body that lies in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Because Lilith is an asteroid and actual physical body who has a North and South Node, we can see the past, present, future, and the pure, distorted, and resolution of the natural feminine all within the archetype of Lilith the asteroid.  


Jordyn will teach about the nature of Lilith in the birth chart and how this manifests in the chart. She will be utilizing not only the asteroid Lilith, but also, her nodes, nodal rulers, and the aspects that they make to show these principles within the archetype of Lilith.


Helena will propose we look at Lilith with an open mind, body and soul. In this workshop with Lilith we will be integrating all notion and ideas of Lilith in one single archetype, understanding the obstacles still undermining our personal integration of Lilith, and why working with Lilith needs our creative self, with the sharing of practical tools for creative self-discovery on each Lilith placement.  

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With clarity and compassion Ari Moshe teaches astrology as a spiritual study that serves in our own soul evolution.Ari Moshe’s teaching is rooted in the beautiful lineage of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green and continues to blossom with his own ongoing realization and spiritual practice. He has written a beginners guide to EA, and has available on his website many teachings and classes, as well as a year long training course based on the teachings of EA. Ari is also a Devotional Love Musician.



Uranus: The Subconscious Memories of the Soul

In each lifetime the soul chooses, for its own evolutionary and karmic purposes, which prior lives to focus upon for that particular life. It is the memories of these lives that are then reflected and contained in our individuated unconscious or subconscious.

The house and sign of Uranus, as well as that of its South Node, the planetary ruler of Uranus and its South Node, as well as the aspects they all make to other planets in the chart corresponds to these long-term prior life memories. These memories operate at a subliminal level of conscious awareness and are not consciously recalled through the local linear mind (Mercury). Jeffrey Wolf Green taught that roughly 80% of the choices that we make in our life are conditioned by these subconscious soul-memories. 

In this talk we are going to climb the bleachers of our higher mind and take a wide eyed soul-view at some of the most embedded reactions and choices we make in our lives. We will do this by working with the Uranus signatures in the natal chart in order to objectify and thus understand the subconscious memories brought from past lives, and in so doing, free ourselves from the past.

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Laura is a 2nd generation astrologer, practicing and teaching astrology since 1987. She studied with Jeffrey Green from 1983-86. She is the owner/coordinator of NORWAC (The Northwest Astrological Conference), established in 1984 by her mother Maggie. She has Coordinated UAC02, UAC18, and ISAR22. She is a founding board member of Kepler College, IAEA, International Association of Ethics in Astrology, and the co-founder of SoulWise School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is the current Treasurer of the WSAA.

Planets Square
the Lunar Nodes

When a planet squares the nodal axis, it describes a pattern like a karmic merry-go-round – where the soul has cycled between the south and north node throughout a number of lifetimes. In essence, the north node is part of the past life stories, and the soul is here to find balance and to resolve the karmic imbalance. We will explore what the “resolution node” is and how it works, along with the skipped steps of the planet itself. (Modern/EA) (beginner/intermediate)

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Beginning to study astrology in 1998, Bradley dove into JWG Evolutionary Astrology in 2009 and has continued to use and practice the JWG EA paradigm as part of daily life. Bradley has researched and taught on the planetary nodes, maintains a daily astrology horoscope "Planetary Currents," hosts an Evolutionary Astrology podcast "Coming Together: Interrelationships of Evolutionary Astrology Teachings, and creates astrological artwork. When not doing art and astrology, Bradley is a father of two and enjoys growing herbs, cooking, and working at the food co-op.

Seeing through the Lens of
the Planetary Nodes

In this talk the planetary nodes are introduced as a tool to dive deeper into the natal chart, as well as a lens for understanding the larger collective evolutionary cycles. The geocentric planetary nodes and their annual motion will be explained, how to look at the trinity of past, present, and future of each archetype in a natal chart, and general tips on using planetary nodes in birth chart reading. 


There will be a 365 slide stop motion video of the geocentric nodal movement to help you “download” this annual pattern of movement into your consciousness, as well as other images to help you see and understand the geocentric and heliocentric nodes and the significant evolutionary connections between them. 


The South and North Nodes of the planetary nodes of the outer planets will be explored through modern and past cultural correlations. You will also be given insights on how to further explore connections between current planetary nodes and the past using the Ages and Sub Ages with the nodes. You will likely gain a new awareness of how each zodiac sign archetype is manifesting collectively and individually on the great evolutionary journey we are all on!

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Kim Marie Weimer is the Managing Director for the Evolutionary Astrology Network. She has practiced and taught Evolutionary Astrology for 35+ years and counsels an international clientele. Kim Marie also ran the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of EA from 2002-2008.

Parent-Child Chart Dynamics

Any individual chart can be utilized to gather deeper karmic understanding of familial dynamics from both the parent and child perspectives. EA utilizes specific astrological points to look at chart examples. This will allow for a broader perspective of where the parents were coming from in raising a child, and how this has impacted the individual in its own soul’s evolution. Two different perspectives can then be realized from a single individual chart, deepening any considerations of familial historical patternings.

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Steve has been on a conscious path of growth since age 15, seeking at first to understand himself. Gradually he connected with a deep yearning to assist and support others on their sometimes perilous journey of being human. It was at a time of major change in his life, a few years after Pluto completed crossing his ascendant, that he discovered Jeffrey Wolf Green and Evolutionary Astrology.  They spoke deeply to him at a time when he was seeking the next direction in his life.  That chapter has now been going on for over 20 years. In recent years, Steve’s focus on applying EA’s insights to his own emotional healing has grown. Where appropriate, he shares from his experiences of grounding and integrating EA’s wisdom into living the challenges and potentials of a human life.

Working with Pluto & the Wounds of Change

In EA, Pluto is the symbol of the human soul. The soul is the cause of each incarnation.  The purpose of each incarnation is to grow, expand, and deepen the understanding of life. All of it, including the inevitable wounds and traumas experienced along the way, is set up by the soul for its evolutionary intentions.  Toward the unfolding of these intentions, physical reality is structured with inherent impermanence; everything is continually changing.  What we have valued and experienced safety from, changes or ends. Change requires moving from knowns (Saturn) into unknowns (Uranus). Our physical body, wired with a strong survival instinct, feels challenged when change affects its sense of security.


Trauma is a physical/emotional response to change when that change is greater than what can be emotionally integrated in the present moment. Our emotional circuits become overloaded and we get triggered.  These deep wounds reoccur cyclically.


In this talk, Steve will utilize the EA paradigm with charts of well known people to demonstrate how the soul creates various evolutionary challenges for itself, why it creates these challenges according to its ongoing evolutionary needs, and how we can meet the wounds of change that result from these evolutionary experiences with acceptance and self-compassion.

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Rav Chahal is a certified graduate from the JWG School of Evolutionary Astrology based in London, England. Rav holds a Masters degree in Social Science Research Methods and her passion for helping people led her to complete a Counselling Skills and Life Coaching Diploma before she found the power in Evolutionary Astrology, and how it can help navigate people in their life journeys. She had a personal reading with Deva Green and this is when she realized the depth and power of this dynamic form of Astrology. As a result, she dedicated over 10+ years studying Evolutionary Astrology (EA) through the original JWG School of EA and has since become a certified Evolutionary Astrologer.

Evolution & The Emotional
4th House 10th/House Polarity

Evolution is a natural part of the human journey for all of us and the only way we can evolve is through our emotional body. This is a core principle in the teachings of Evolutionary

Astrology. It is through the emotional body where we fully experience the core desires of the Soul. This lecture will present the foundation of the 4th house/Cancer/Moon archetype. How the Moon relates to our moment-to-moment emotional reality, being our most conscious part,

which creates our subjective ego. And it is though embracing the polarity sign of Capricorn where we can learn to take responsibility for the choices, we have made which have led us

to this incarnation. The bottom-line is that we can’t escape the Soul work we are here to do.

We are after all spiritual beings having a human experience.

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Jason Holley is an astrologer and psychotherapist descended from a four-generation matriarchy of Appalachian women who looked at stars and cups to understand Soul.  Jason is committed to astrological storytelling that embraces all the creatures of our shared earth as well as all the creatures of the inner ecosystem of Soul.  Jason has taught for most astrological conferences and has held retreats and workshops around the world.  He is excited to reune with EA Soul kin again for our conference.

Chiron and the Compost Pile: Transforming Pain into Nourishment and Medicine

In this talk, we will enter the healing cave where Chiron was said to live.  A place where healers and heroes of all kinds came for initiation and learning.  We will consider how wound work helps us to alchemize the nourishment and medicine we each have to share with one another, by deeply feeling and experiencing the realities of the emotional body, allowing evolutionary movement.  Exploring Chiron in the context of its own north and south nodes as well as in the context of the overall evolutionary signatures of the chart shows us a way of transforming trauma, betrayals, and pain into wisdom and kindness.  We will also consider how we can hold the Souls who come to us for consultation with the compassion, wisdom, and knowing found in our own Chirotic journey.

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Demetra George (M.A. Classics) is a pioneering mythic-archetypal astrologer, who studies and translates Greek astrological texts, as well as the transmission of classical doctrines into the Arabic and Medieval worlds. Recipient of the Regulus Award, her work provides the keys to understanding all forms of traditional astrology. Author of six books, her most recent is Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques, vols. 1 & 2 (Rubedo Press, 2019, 2022).

Asteroid Goddesses and Magical Transformations

Circe, Medea, Hekate, and Medusa were demonized in classical mythology as sorceresses, witches, and monsters. However, these stories masked a deeper more authentic lineage as herbalists who knew both the medicinal and magical properties of plants, and were skilled in shape-shifting and regeneration. Deeper still is their archetypal symbolism representing the feminine power to transform one state of consciousness to another. Explore these ancient asteroid goddesses from an EA perspective. 

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Kristin graduated from UCLA with a degree in Kinesiology. Following years in mainstream corporate America, she had a life altering experience on Easter Sunday 1999 when she met Jeffrey Wolf Green. Kristin had the tremendous fortune of attending the live EA schools taught by Jeffrey in the years that followed and is a certified graduate of the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is a contributor to the books Insights into Evolutionary Astrology (2010), as well as Natural Astrology, International Voices of Evolutionary Astrology, (2021). Kristin has been writing astrological forecasts for twenty-two years and co-hosts a monthly transits show, Guiding Stars, with EA colleague Rose Marcus, which is listened to worldwide on the web. Kristin’s deepest passion lies in the reawakening of the wild feminine, utilizing the EA paradigm to unveil the essence of the Soul’s unbridled nature.



The Road to Higher Love!

In the world of relationships, we may not always attract the love that we want, but given where any Soul is relative to its evolutionary journey, we will always attract the love that we need. Kristin will discuss how to uncover an individual’s essential needs reflected in the 2nd house, as well as the needs in relationships shown in the 7th house.

The 2nd house symbolizes the needs that the Soul is learning to satisfy for itself; self reliance. The natural inconjunct between the 2nd house and the 7th house describes the projected needs onto others that the Soul feels it needs but cannot satisfy on its own. These projected needs become the basis of conditional love: “I will love you if”.

Both houses are naturally ruled by Venus. The 2nd house represents the inner side of Venus, as in the Soul’s relationship to itself, including the inner magnetism and how

the Soul attracts what it needs relative to the 7th house, representing the outer side of Venus: the Soul’s relationship to others. Kristin will share insights on the road to higher love, utilizing the focus of the 12th house and Neptune, the higher octave of Venus, where ultimate meaning lives: our relationship with God/ess. Thus, the difference between conditional love as seen in the 2nd and 7th house versus unconditional love found in the 12th house: “I will love you always.”

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Rose Marcus is based in Vancouver, Canada. She hosted workshops for Jeffrey Wolf Green (1992/93), and one of his first schools (1994). Over the years, she has lectured at various conferences in Canada and the USA, and has written for numerous publications and projects, including daily horoscopes for the Mountain Astrologer (2007/08). Her first book, Insights into Evolutionary Astrology, (a compilation project) was published in 2010 by Lewellyn Worldwide. She is a contributor to Natural Astrology, International Voices of Evolutionary Astrology, published in 2021. Since 2010, Rose and host Kristin Fontana have broadcast a monthly transit show via internet radio, (Guiding Stars, In 2019, Rose launched SoulWise School of Evolutionary Astrology with Laura Nalbandian and Patricia Walsh. In addition to publishing in-depth monthly forecasts on her website and her astrological counseling practice, Rose offers clairvoyant readings.



Evolutionary Transitions:
The Time of Your Life

“I close my eyes, only for a moment and the moment’s gone,..all my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity” (Lyrics: Dust in the Wind, Kansas)

From the moment of first breath, the clock begins to tick on an experiential track that will encompass a lifetime of evolution. Progressions and transits time are our key moments. For the next twenty years, Pluto, the great transformer, will utilize the Aquarius archetype to advance the bigger picture agenda. Uranus, the great awakener (and ruler of Aquarius), will clock sub-chapters. Every 18 months, the transiting lunar nodes will insert fresh content into the subjective viewing lens. Eclipses mark “hot-spots” along the nodal path. By the time Pluto completes its Aquarius mission, the transiting nodes will have completed one whole circuit around the zodiacal wheel. Join Rose Marcus for this look-ahead lecture.

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Michelle Dench is an Intuitive Astrologer, devoted to healing in Relationships and Family, and Soul Evolution with Pluto work. She is Mother of three, and a student of Evolution, Meditation and an Artist. Michelle is the Administrator and Technical Support for the JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers. 


Soul Mates & Karma Mates: Relationship and the Evolutionary Journey
of the Soul 

Relationships are a necessary part of the soul’s evolutionary journey. In this lecture Michelle will explore the teachings of Jeffrey Wolf Green, around core relationships, Soul Mates, and Karma mates through synastry and composite analysis.

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Patricia is a certified Deep Memory Process (DMP) regression practitioner and Chief Trainer for Dr. Roger Woolger’s Institute of Deep Memory Process® (since 2002) and a certified Evolutionary Astrologer from the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology (2004). She is the author of Understanding Karmic Complexes: Evolutionary Astrology and Regression Therapy. Combined with astrology, she specializes in healing work based in Shamanic principles. She is also an instructor for the Soul Wise School of Evolutionary Astrology.

Soul Dramas: How to
Read the Script

Synthesizing all the elements of the ‘karmic axis’ takes skill as well as experience. Patricia will share some tips on how to follow the ‘breadcrumb trail’ using the Pluto Method to build an insightful narrative that addresses the core karmic themes. She will use case studies from actual past life regression sessions combined with the natal chart, that will illuminate the technique and help you learn to bring the chart to life!

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