Hi All,
For anyone who may be interested I thought I would post the chart for when Donald Trump became indicted in New York. The inner wheel is his natal chart, and the outer wheel the time when the grand jury voted to indict him. Please feel free to comment or ask questions.
God Bless, Rad

That Saturn/Pisces conjunct Aquarius descendant: that is some justice! With Neptune in the 7th/Pisces - poetic justice at that!
Vesta with that TR Neptune is interesting - I see Vesta as the flame - ie that which is before time itself - & this is the spiritual reality manifesting in THIS reality of the reality of Trump's soul
Uranus: Aquarius descendant ruler: is conjunct the midheaven: accountability, very publicly too - consequences for actions. & lo & behold: Venus (the ruler) is right there with Uranus!
Couple that with Chiron opposite Chiron! & once again that Venus as natal ruler & it's TR placement....The Jupiter opposition between natal & TR....to be honest it's all overwheming.
The Moon right in the 12 in Cancer - this really tells me karmic chickens coming home especially as his Moon is conjunct the SN!
& then that Mars right there on the ascendant from the 12th - sorta a 'right back at ya' kinda feeling.
What a couple of charts!
Thanks so much, Rad, I hadn't found the exact time yet so I am happy to see it here.
Well, the first question is so obvious, what does that void of course 29 Cancer Moon mean to you? I don't always pay attn to it, but this one is so very void, it is making me think twice or more.
And how do you see the Moon-Pluto 179 opposition It is just at that last part of the gibbous phase that is still applying to the opposition, and I know there is a big difference, but as it pertains to this Pluto in Aquarius, so new to the world, does the Moon seem even more juxtapositioned?
Could this show the gaping void between the reality of the coming Pluto in Aquarius that he just doesn't get it yet? It being the gig is up.
Then there is that Venus-Uranus conjunction that is also 5 minutes to being NEW. Is this another sign of a lot of things coming to the end? In the 9h, I will root for the courts and laws to change to modernize laws so that democracy itself evolves. That Mars Pluto opening quinx looks like a good fight is influencing that 9h, and would you categorize it that ideas about the laws can change under a quincunx?
Thanks in advance for your sharing this and your insights...
Hi Rad and All,
I just wanted to come here and post the chart for when the verdict was read for DT. I find the transits to be telling.
It will be interesting to see what the sentencing will be on the 11th.
I don't know if anyone wants to discuss this, but I did want to include it on this thread.
Much Love,